

On the Crime of Business Bribery

【作者】 钱飞箭

【导师】 刘宪权;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 商业贿赂在我国各个领域中不断滋生蔓延,如何遏制和治理商业贿赂犯罪已成为我国法学界和实务界认真对待的一个大的课题。本文试图以关于商业贿赂的一些基本的、热点的、争议的问题为角度,谈些个人的看法,作些分析。本文内容共分四个大的部分:一、商业贿赂犯罪概述,主要叙述了我国有关商业贿赂的立法进程,分析了商业贿赂犯罪的概念。笔者认为,我国对商业贿赂行为的立法以1979年刑法的颁布实施为时间分界,之前是计划经济体制时期,主要以《中华人民共和国惩治贪污罪条例》为依据,对商业贿赂行为的治理手段基本是刑事制裁;之后进入改革开放时期,随着经济活动范围的拓展、程度的深化、形式的多样化,商业贿赂行为的表现形式和滋生领域不断翻新和蔓延,国家开始注重从刑事和非刑事两个法律视角来分析和处理商业贿赂行为,至目前,我国治理商业贿赂的立法总体上是比较完备的,一些基本的贿赂行为都能被纳入法律框架,且随着立法和司法解释的推进,行为的出现和治理一定会更趋同步和吻合。对商业贿赂犯罪的概念,笔者认为要厘清两个方面的关系,一是商业贿赂犯罪行为与商业贿赂行为的关系;二是商业贿赂犯罪与公职贿赂犯罪、公司、企业人员贿赂犯罪的关系。二、境外反商业贿赂的法律比较,主要列举了美国、德国、日本、新加坡、中国香港特别行政区的反商业贿赂法律规制情况。笔者认为,以上一些国家和地区关于商业贿赂的立法、司法各有千秋,一些有益的地方我们可以借鉴。如立法方面,美国的反垄断法律体系、德国、日本、中国香港特别行政区对贿赂范围的扩大规定、新加坡的腐败推定、惯例证据排除、保护举报人制度、德国医药领域的反商业贿赂立法;司法方面,美国惩治商业贿赂犯罪的严厉性、中国香港特别行政区执法主体极高的独立性。但由于我国国情的特殊性,对以上国家的反商业贿赂立法、司法特征绝不能全盘照收,必须立足自身,放眼世界,求真务实,有所选择。三、我国当前商业贿赂犯罪司法认定中疑难问题探析,主要分析了“公司、企业以外的其他单位的工作人员非法收受他人财物的行为,不能一律予以刑事追究”、“农村基层组织中的干部收受贿赂的定性”、“单位下属部门商业受贿的认定”、“国家机关不能成为单位犯罪主体”、“如何认定‘由特定关系人收受贿赂’”、“‘利益正当’之理解”、“受贿人不知财物价值时如何判定犯罪数额”、“交易型受贿‘明显偏离市场价格’的司法认定”、“赃款去向与定罪量刑的把握”、“对查处职务犯罪案件的‘四高一低’问题的解决”等十个问题,论述了笔者的观点,以期对司法实践有所帮助;四、我国商业贿赂犯罪的立法完善,包括将外国公职人员或国际公共组织官员纳入贿赂罪主体、规定公司、企业或者其他单位人员的斡旋受贿行为、作为商业贿赂犯罪的主体之一单位,应扩大其范围、扩大财产刑的适用范围和加大财产刑的处罚力度、加大对行贿者的打击力度、对单位商业贿赂犯罪的刑罚措施的完善、统一死刑、无期徒刑的适用标准、建立贿赂推定制度的思考等九个问题,提出了个人的几点想法,希望有助于我国反商业贿赂立法进程。

【Abstract】 Business bribery is contantly stretching in every realm of China. How to contain and tackle crime of business bribery is a big task law circle and exploiting circle must be conscientiously treat. This thesis expresses my vieupionts on some basic and disputed questions of crime of business bribery.This thesis is divided into four parts. The first part is a general esposition which discusses the legislative proless of crime of business bribery and analyse the concept of crime of business bribery. The author holds that the treating means basically relied on criminal sanction according to Regulation Regarding the Punishment of Corruption before the criminal law was promulgated and implemented in 1979. Afterwards the manifestation forms of bribery have constantly been changing and stretching with the deepening of the scope and degree of the economic activities. So china begins to lay stress on non-criminal meas. Overall, the legislations are fairly complete now. With the advancing of the legislation and judicial interpretation, the appearing and administering of business bribery will be synchronous. To analyse the concept of crime of business bribery , the author has distinguished the two relationships. One is the relationship between crime of business bribery and behaviour of business bribery. The other is the relationship between crime of business bribery. Crime of public office bribery and crime of company staff bribery. The second part compares laws at home and abroad. This part mainly lists the legislative situations in America, German, Japan, Singapore and HongKong. The author hold that we may use the beneficial experience of these countries for reference such as corruption deducing, informer protecting and evidence eliminating. In the judicial respect, we can use stem sanctions in America and independent subject of law enforcement in HongKong for reference. But on account of situations, we should choose the benefical experience to some extent. The third part is to analyse the knotty questions in judicial determination. The author express his opinions about proper benefits, special associated persons, transation bribery and so on. The fourth part is the legislative consummation. The author also express his opinions about hitting the fixers heavily, uniting death penalty, enlarging property punishment and so on. Perhaps these will be advantageous to legislative process.

  • 【分类号】D914;D924.3
  • 【下载频次】224