

Legal Studies on Reform of Administrative System

【作者】 张孟娟

【导师】 邹荣;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,全球化和信息化已成为时代发展的主旋律,成为推动社会政治、经济转型的强大动力,要求政府必须更加灵活、高效,具有灵敏的应变能力和较强的创造能力,而与工业社会相适应的官僚政府体制金字塔式的科层官僚架构无法对瞬息万变的社会做出灵活快速反映。同时,经济全球化也意味着市场全球化和竞争全球化。在这种变化面前,即使发达的市场经济国家,政府管理尽管相对成熟,也感受到了行政管理体制的压力。世界各国为适应全球化、信息化时代的客观需要,相继开展了公共行政体制改革。“经济全球化和政府作用”已成为各国认真思考的主题。西方国家公共管理领域的变革和创新要求我们必须对行政组织法律的相关制度进行完善和必要的修正,以推动我国行政体制改革的深入发展。因此,深化行政体制改革,建立适应社会主义市场经济的行政模式已经成为当代中国全面推行依法行政,建设法治政府的重要内容。本文共分三个部分,对我国现行行政体制改革的法律问题这一课题作了研究。第一章对行政体制改革作了概述。首先简要分析并界定行政体制改革的含义,接着对行政体制改革的动因作了具体的分析。同时,简要回顾了我国20多年来行政体制改革的历程,并通过对改革历程的分析,阐述了我国行政体制改革的定位。第二章对我国行政体制存在的弊端以及现行体制结构方式下的现状进行了阐述,并对其原因进行了分析。首先,立法上违背宪政原理、使本来不具有行政权的政府职能部门取得了所谓行政主体资格,得以自己的名义行使行政权;其次,法律对行政权的监督控制缺乏必要的力度。一方面,有关控制行政权的法律体系尚未完全建立起来;另一方面,在已经制定的法律中,有明显忽视通过程序来制约行政权的有效设计,加之我国政治权强于行政权的传统以及公务员素质不高等,使得行政法制监督乏力。通过对这些原因的分析,试图为今后的行政体制改革探索更有效的途径。第三章对完善我国行政体制,在未来的行政体制改革中克服长期以来存在的弊端,进行了一些初步探索。笔者认为,从法律的角度而言,改造现有的行政法学中行政主体的理论,明确政府是唯一的行政主体,在这一理论基础上,改造现有的行政诉讼、行政复议以及国家赔偿的当事人理论,是克服行政体制弊端的关键。在此前提下,再通过调整政府职能结构,建立行政责任追究制度、完善公务员制度等,对于克服我国行政体制上存在的弊端是有重要意义的。

【Abstract】 With globalization and information technology becoming the main rhyme of today’s world and driving force of the transformation on social economy and politics, the governments must have stronger abilities of creation and be more adaptable, flexible and effective. But bureaucratic administrative system with pyramid frame adapted to industrial society can not make swift reaction to the dynamic word. Meanwhile, economic globalization indicates the spread of market and competition throughout the world. Facing these challenges, even developed countries with sophisticated administration mechanism are under such pressure. To meet the trends of globalization and information technology, all nations start to carry out reforms of public administration. The relationship between government function and economic globalization has been put into the high agenda of all governments. It is the Western countries’reform and renovation on public administration that requests us to take steps to rectify and mature our relative systems of administrative organic law so as to push forward our administrative reform. Hence, deepening administrative system reform and building administrative action mode adapted to market-oriented socialist economy have become an important part of the strategy of ruling by law and administration by law thoroughly. This article contains three parts, studying the legal problems of our current administration system reform. The first chapter outlined the administrative system reform. At first the writer analyzed and made definition of the administrative system reform, then gave a concrete explanation on its causation. Meanwhile, the writer made a brief description of the 20 years reform and clarified the positioning of our administrative system reform.The second chapter illustrated the vices existing in our current administrative system and further analyzed their roots. Firstly, legislation empowered those bodies that originally should not have been the administrative bodies; Secondly, present legal system lacks in abilities to supervise and control the administrative power; the causes lie in several parts: for one thing is the undeveloped legal system, for another is the negligence of effective procedures designed for balancing the administrative power. Additionally our tradition is ruling by power and some public servants work with lower qualities, etc. All the above elements lead to the lack of legal supervision on governmental administration. Through the above analysis, the writer tried to find some effective way for our future administrative system reform.In the third chapter the writer made some efforts to further explore how to resolve the long-term existing drawbacks. In the writer’s opinion, under the precondition of reforming the present theory on administrative organic law and making it clear that the only administrative body is the government, the key point is to rectify our existing theory on administrative procedure, administrative reconsideration and state compensation systems. Basing on the stated reforms, adjusting government function and developing relative systems such as responsibility and public servant system can be significant to overcome the vices of our current administrative system.

【关键词】 行政体制改革法律研究
【Key words】 Administrative SystemLegal StudiesReform
  • 【分类号】D630.1;D922.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】339