

Interest Analysis of the Property Law

【作者】 卢战军

【导师】 崔吉子;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 民商法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 利益是指主体在需要得以满足上所形成的一种社会关系。人与人的关系,说到底是一种利益关系。法律与利益的关系密切。物权的意义主要包括两个方面,即物的归属和物的利用。物权法所保护的利益,不独为财产利益,同时还包括人格利益(精神利益)和制度利益。利益分析方法是一种重要的法学研究方法,是指从利益的角度,对法律现象(包括法哲学问题、社会法学问题和实证法学问题)进行分析,探求法律现象的内在本质,研究法律现象与其他社会现象间的联系,并为法律的制定和适用提供指导原则和运行规则。物权法上利益分析方法包括四项基本原则:利益确定原则、利益驱动原则、利益权衡原则和利益平衡原则。逻辑推理方法着重原因和推理过程,而利益分析则强调实际社会效果。利益分析方法可以有效地弥补逻辑推理方法的内在缺陷。物权法的颁布和实施在中国现代法治进程中具有里程碑意义,对于推进我国经济改革和建设法治国家均具有重大意义。运用利益分析方法对我国物权法律制度进行研究,发现我国的物权法律制度仍存在一些空白和不完善之处。集体所有的主体在法律上存在较大的不确定性。为明确土地所有权的主体,充分利用土地资源,增进社会效益,我国应建立两级土地所有权制度(一级国有,二私有和公有)。土地所有权的范围为土地所有人因土地利用可享受利益的范围。处理相邻关系纠纷的关键,在于以法律调和相邻不动产各方的利益,达到和谐相处的目的。为督促拾得人积极、善意地履行法律义务,弘扬拾金不昧的良好社会风尚,应充分运用利益(权利)激励机制,以利益引导拾得人的行为。埋藏物的所有人不明时,应由发现人取得所有权。关于添附物,应根据利益权衡原则确定其所有权归属。无主物先占人可取得所有权。善意受让人,满足法定条件,纵使让与人无处分处,亦可取得所有权。为明确物的归属,保护物的秩序,充分发挥物的经济效用,我国应确立时效取得制度。占有作为一种事实,与本权制度一并构成物权法律制度。占有的法律效果主要可概况为四个方面:权利推定、权利取得、利益主张和占有保护。法律对占有制度的确认和对占有人的保护,完全基于社会利益的考虑。

【Abstract】 Interest is a kind of social relationship based on the satisfactory of the main’s needs. The relationship between people is actually an interest one after all. Law and interests are of close relationship.The significance of property consists of two aspects: attribution and application of the object. The law-protecting interest is not in property, but in dignity (spirit) and system. Benefit analysis is an important method in law research. It means that from the perspective of interest, we analyze legal phenomenon, including the problem of philosophy, social and positive law, explore the inherent nature of the legal phenomenon, research the link between the law phenomenon and other social phenomenon, and provide guiding principles and operational rules for the formulate and implement of law. The interest analysis methods on property involve four fundamental principles: the interest identified principle, the interest established principle, the interest weighing principle and the interest balancing principle. Logical inference methods focus on the reasons and reasoning process, and stressed the interest of the actual social effects. Interest analysis method can effectively compensate for the inherent logic of reasoning method defects. The promulgation and implementation of the Property Law is of landmark significance in the process of China’s modern rule by law and plays an important role in promoting China’s economic reforms and building a rule of law nation. The study on China’s property rights through interest analysis methods shows that there are still some blanks and imperfections in stem. The main under collective ownership is a big uncertainty in law. So as to clarify the ownership of land, take full advantage of land resource and increase social consequences, China should establish two-tier of land ownership system (state level, the private and public). The scope of land ownership is the range of benefits the owner can enjoy through land. The key of dealing with disputes between neighboring lies on reconciling the interests of adjacent real estate of the parties by law and achieving the goal of harmony. Lost to urge people fulfill legal obligations actively and kindly, and promote a good social climate, benefits (rights) incentive mechanism should be applied adequately, guiding people with interests. When the owner of the hidden property is unclear, the found should get the ownership. The attached is determined on the interest balancing principle. The first nullius can obtain ownership when it is ownerless. Goodwill assignee, meeting the statutory requirements, can also be obtained ownership, even if the grantor without the right of punishment. To clear the attribution, protect the order and give full play to the economic effectiveness, China should establish a system of aging. Possession, as a fact, constitutes property rights legal system with the right system. The legal effect of possession can be profiled into four main aspects: the rights presumption, the rights acquisition, the interest avocations and the possession protect. The law’s recognition of the tenure system and the protection of possession, bases entirely on the social interest.

【关键词】 物权法法律方法利益分析
【Key words】 property lawlegal methodsinterest analysis
  • 【分类号】D923.2
  • 【下载频次】113