

On the Condominium Ownership

【作者】 都兴强

【导师】 李锡鹤;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 民商法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑物区分所有权是在今年通过并实施的《中华人民共和国物权法》(以下简称《物权法》)里规定的新型物权。在现代城市化进程日益加快的今天,该权利对于调整高楼大厦的业主们的权利义务有着十分重要的作用。在《物权法》通过之前,就有很多专家学者对它有过很多的论述。《物权法》里的相关内容也正是总结了以前的研究成果,将建筑物区分所有权的内容分为专有权、共有权与管理权。本文拟从法律关系的主体、客体、内容入手,对建筑物区分所有权进行细致的分析,以《物权法》的规定为依据,探讨此项权利的具体规定与适用。本文认为建筑物区分所有权与一般所有权并无本质的差别,所谓不同仅在于客体的不同。前者的客体在物理上是相互毗邻的,所以主体在行使权利的时候自然要顾忌到相邻方的利益,由此形成建筑物区分所有权里的共有权与管理权。所以,对于专有权部分,应与一般所有权适用同样的规定。对于共有部分,《物权法》对于一些出现争议较多的部分进行了规定,但规定的并不完善,本文对于道路与绿地、车位与车库和公用设施进行专门讨论,认为应以建筑规划与购房合同为依据确定归属,如有不明确的,应以业主共有为优先。文章还专门讨论了其他论文里很少涉及的人民防空工程的权属问题,人防工程在高楼大厦的隐蔽工程中十分常见,其中蕴藏着很大的商机,但因为权属不清,导致发生很多争议,而且国家与省市的规定不尽相同,所以更应明确规定,本文认为人防工程应本着谁投资谁收益的原则,以业主共有为优先。本文认为建筑物区分所有权的共有权的行使是依赖于管理权的设立的,业主之间是一个典型的市民社会,之间行动的协调主要取决于业主大会或业主委员会制订的管理规约的规定,管理规约就是业主共同意志的反映,是业主自治的宪章。要保障业主的权利、使建筑物区分所有权得以顺利实施,就取决于管理规约的规定。本文借鉴北京华远公司的一些先进经验,认为在管理规约里应明确约定业主对于共同部分享有的份额是多少,进而减少未来管理中的争议。本文认为建筑物区分所有权是一个生活中的权利,理论研究应以服务现实需要出发,以保护业主利益为宗旨,建设和谐社区为目的。

【Abstract】 The condominium ownership, one of new kinds of real rights, is regulated in the Real Right Law of the People’s Republic of China (shorted the real right law as followings), which is approved and valid this year. In today modernizing in the city, the right is significant role to regulate the owners’rights and duties, who live in the apartment building. Before the real right law approved, plenty of experts have studied the right, the regulations in the law illustrates their researched achievement, consisting of exclusive right, joint ownership and supervision right. The article will analyze carefully the right through the subject, object and the content of the legal relation, depending on the regulations in the law, studying its special regulation and application.The article thinks the condominium ownership is not different from the general ownership essentially. The so-called discrepancy exists only in aspect of the object, namely the former’s objects, the apartment buildings, are adjacent each other, then, while the owner use the right, he should be wary to the others’. For this reason, there are also the joint ownership and the supervision right within the right. Thus, to the exclusive parts, applying to the regulations as same as the ownership’s. To the joint parts, there are some regulations to the ones being easy to conflict in the real right law, but the regulations is not perfect. The article thinks, through talking about especially paths and meadows, cars sites and garages and common instruments in the neighborhood, to explicit the ownership in accordance with the construction layout and the contract. If it is unclear, then the joint ownership should be precedent. As a character, the article studies particularly the people’s air defense projects, which rarely talk about in the other articles. It is very widespread that the project lies in the underground constructions of apartment buildings. There are plenty of commercial opportunities within it. Because of the absence of the ownership regulation, there are conflicts in it. The view to the question is considerably difference between central administration and certain provinces and cities. The article thinks that it should be precedent to owners, according to such principle, which those who invest should posses the benefits.The article thinks that the exercise of the joint ownership depends on severely the regulation of the supervision right. There is a typical civil society in owners. Coordinating the action between owners relies on the regulations of the owners’plegde worked out by the general meeting of owners or the owners’management committee. The pledge is the charter between owners, which reflects the owners’aspiration. To protect the owners’rights and implement the condominium ownership fluently must rely on the pledge. Through using for reference of Beijing HuaYuan company’s excellent experiences, the article thinks that there should be the regulation about the share the owner should have to the joint parts in the owners’pledge, so to decline the conflicts in the future. The article thinks that the condominium ownership is a kind of right which is in living. The theory involving it should serve in the need of reality, protecting owners’benefits and constructing harmonious communities are its ultimate purpose.

  • 【分类号】D923.2
  • 【被引频次】1
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