

Waiver and Estoppel of Insurance Contract

【作者】 邱凯

【导师】 郑云瑞;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 弃权与禁止反言规则最早是英美合同法中的制度,到了20世纪,保险法领域开始给予这个规则以显著的重视。为了救济被保险人在订立保险合同时难以对保险合同的条款完全知悉的不利地位,限制保险人利用违反条件或保证而拒绝承担保险责任,英美法系国家的法院发展了有利于被保险人1的弃权与禁止反言。弃权是指保险合同一方当事人放弃其在保险合同中可以主张的权利。而禁止反言则是指保险人一方对某种事实向投保人或被保险人所做的错误陈述为投保人或被保险人所合理依赖,以至于如果允许保险人一方不受这种陈述的约束将损害投保人或被保险人的权益时,保险人一方只能接受其所陈述事实的约束,失去了反悔权利的一种情况。本文主要分四章内容介绍保险合同中的弃权和禁止反言规则。首先是对弃权和禁止反言的基本分析。主要讨论了弃权和禁止反言的产生、含义、构成要件以及两者相互间的关系。禁止反言的适用与弃权的适用并非是两个界限分明、相互独立的范畴,在很多情况下,这二者是重合适用的。但是在特殊情况下,对弃权和禁止反言规则进行区别是有重要意义的。其次是对弃权和禁止反言规则适用的论述。对应于投保人的告知和保证义务,弃权和禁止反言规则很好的衡平了投保人和保险人间的利益。当投保人违反了自己的告知和保证义务时,弃权和禁止反言规则亦有其适用空间。当然在适用弃权和禁止反言规则时可能会产生合同内容变更的结果,但适用弃权和禁止反言规则与合同内容变更是不同的。再次是对弃权和禁止反言规则适用限制的分析。弃权和禁止反言规则有利于限制保险人权利的滥用,保障投保人、被保险人的合法权益,但是如果对其适用不加限制,那么就可能导致权利结构失衡。因此有必要对弃权和禁止反言作出限制。这种限制一般具体表现为:强制性规范、保险利益原则、被保险人的不当得利以及不抛弃条款。本文论述中结合我国运用弃权和禁止反言规则的现实基础,从理论基础、价值观念及现实需求三个角度分析了适用弃权和禁止反言规则的可行性。

【Abstract】 The principle of Waiver and Estelle originates from contract system of common law, and the insurance law research area started to attach the important attention to the principle of Waiver and Estelle in the 20 century. In order to grant the remedy measures to the insured who is in disadvantage position and difficulty to completely understand the articles in insurance contract when it is concluded, as well as to restrict the insurer from refusing to undertake the insurance liability by taking advantage of violation of condition or breaking assurance, the court of common -law countries develops the principle of Waiver and Estelle which is favorable to the insured.Waiver refers to one party to insurance contract abandons his right to be claimed in insurance contract; while estoppels refers to the insurer wrongly state facts which is reasonably depended by policy holder or insured, so as to the interests of the insurer or the policy holder would be damaged if it is allowed the insurer to not be binding by what has previously been stated as the truth; thus the insurer shall be prevented from making an allegation or a denial that contradicts what previously stated as the truth and shall be subject to such restriction.The paper is consisted up of four parts which mainly introduces the principle of Waiver and Estelle in insurance contract. Firstly, the paper makes the basic analysis of Waiver and Estelle. The emphasis is placed on theoretical evolvement, implication, constitutive elements as well as the relationship between the Waiver and Estelle. It’s no really the independent categories of the application of Waiver and Estelle or there is no definite dividing line as to the application of Waiver and Estelle. Under many circumstance, Waiver and Estelle are coincidently applied, while there is important meaning to differentiate the application of Waiver and Estelle under special circumstance.Second, the paper states the application of principle of Waiver and Estelle. The principle of Waiver and Estelle, corresponding to the policy holder’s obligation of notification and assurance, balances the interests between the insurer and the policy holder. When the policy holder breaks his/her obligation of notification and assurance, the insurer can adopt the principle of Waiver and Estelle to safeguard his/her interests. It is sure that the application of Waiver and Estelle may amend the contractual content, while the application of Waiver and Estelle is different to the contractual content amendment.Third, the paper makes the analysis of restriction on the application of the principle of Waiver and Estelle. The application of the principle of Waiver and Estelle is conducive to restrict the insurer to misuse her right so as to safeguard the policy holder and the insured lawful rights and interests. However, in the event there is no restriction on the insurer’s exercising such rights, it is possible to cause imbalance among right structure. Therefore, it is necessary to impose the restriction on the exercising the right of Waiver and Estelle. Such restriction usually includes mandatory provisions, principle of insurance interests, unjustified enrichments of the insured as well as non-abandoning article.Finally, the paper discusses the feasibility for application of the principle of Waiver and Estelle in China. The paper makes the analysis of feasibility for application of the principle of Waiver and Estelle from the perspective of theoretical basis, value as well as practical requirements.

  • 【分类号】D912.28;D922.284
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】394