

PLC Control and Configuration at Coal Washing Workshop of Coal Washing and Selecting Plant

【作者】 郝俊青

【导师】 廖述剑;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文所研究的成庄矿洗选厂是一个年生产能力约为400万吨的矿井型动力煤选煤厂,包括原煤、洗煤、末煤、检修四个车间,全厂控制系统主要由原煤车间、洗煤车间、洗末煤车间三个控制部分组成。现在各个系统分别在各个车间的控制室,厂调度员和厂领导并不能及时掌握现场设备的运行状态,出现故障后只能通过电话来询问故障设备的编号和原因,有时也不便于集中管理和调度指挥。现在许多数据的统计还是停留在手工统计的基础上,这样由于种种原因可能出现数据的失真现象,另外对于数据的查询和存档都存在许多问题。全厂各个控制系统相对独立,没有一个生产调度系统,给生产指挥和监视设备的运行状态带来相当大的困难。在增加生产调度系统的同时,也增加了不少新的洗选设备,厂内大部分控制系统由于近年来大量改造和几年前原来设计思路,远不能达到现在安全生产运行的需要,为此必须对全厂控制系统进行完善,保证生产的安全高效的进行,同时为企业形成工业自动化系统奠定基础。目前,在工控领域PLC控制和上位机组态应用及其通讯是比较热门的技术,随着可编程序控制器(PLC)技术的发展,由于其高可靠性、高性价比、广泛的工业现场适应性和方便的工艺扩展性能,PLC在工业自动控制过程中得到了越来越广泛的应用。本文正是在这种背景下,从PLC的基本结构入手,就目前国内常用的几种PLC进行了性能比较,并对PLC控制系统的通用设计方法和提高系统可靠性的一些基本措施的应用研究作了尝试,重点探讨了PLC控制系统硬件、软件的设计方法,在原煤车间的原煤主提升控制系统中,PLC功能模块通过GENIUS网用双绞线与井下机尾分站进行通讯,同时通过DEVICENET网络与各个配电室进行通讯。洗煤车间的控制系统主要采用GE的9030系列PLC,通过GENIUS网络将现有的5个分站都连接在了一起。对PLC在实际现场控制过程中经常遇到的一些实际问题提出了具体解决方案。利用PLC控制技术,对整个控制系统进行了自动控制系统设计。上位机采用北京亚控组态软件实现对PLC的监控。

【Abstract】 Our study subject is the plant of coal washing and selecting in chengzhuang coal mine, who washes and selects coal that belonging power coal of coal mine for about 4 million tons in a year. There are four workshops: origin coal workshop, washing coal workshop, washing smash coal workshop and checking repairing workshop. The whole control system of the plant is composed of three parts (origin coal workshop, coal washing workshop, smash coal washing workshop).Now every control system is in their control room, so the factory transfer workers and the factory leaders could not know the current case in time. Advent ing troubles, they get the information of the failure sets only by virtue of ring. At times, it’ s inconvenient to focusing govern and dispatch. Now, for the fact that the census of a lot of data is worked out by hand, there are many lapses on dada, and there are also many problems on the reference and on file of data. For the relative independence of the whole plant control systems and the absence of a produce committing system, there is very much difficult in directing produce and monitoring the sets’ running condition. Enhanceing produce committing system, there are many new coal washing and selecting devices by added. Because quite a few control systems are reformed in recent years and the designing thread is changed old, and they are far away from the need of safe produce, the whole control system must be reformed. Nothing but so, the produce will go on safety and efficiently. At the same time, what we will do will pave the way for the formation of establishment auto system.At present, the PLC control , the up computer configuration and communication are very enthusiastic technology. With the develop of PLC technology, on account of the high reliability, high property and price rate, broad industrial scene orientately and convenient technical expansions, PLC is more and more widely used in the control of industria automation.At the background of all above, the article is beginning from the basic frame of PLC, compareing the property of PLC, which is usually used at home. Studying some usual design manners and a few basic means improving reliable in the PLC control system. Analyse the ways of hardware and software designing in PLC control system. In main raising control system of original coal workshop, PLC function models communicate with machine tail branch station in coal well using dual wringing strings by GENIUS net. And they also communicate with every electricity division chamber by DEVICE net. At coal washing workshop, the control system take use of the PLC of GE 9030 , and connect all five branch stations with DEVICE net. We put forward concrete answers of some scene practical question. Using PLC control technology, we design the whole auto control system. The up computer configuration software which belonging Beijing KingView cor is used in PLC monitoring control system.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1161