

Study and Application of the Main Transformer On-line Insulates Monitor in the Second Electric Power Plant of Hancheng

【作者】 薛雪琴

【导师】 马宏伟; 刘拴贵;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 机械工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 韩城二电厂是目前我国西北地区单机容量和总装机容量最大的火力发电厂。计划总装机容量为4×600MW,分两期完成。一期工程2台60万kW发电组于2005年底投产运行,经变压器升压,输送高压电,年转供电量约40亿kWh,最高负荷120万kW。电网的安全运行至关重要,特别是变电站设备的正常运行对保证电网运行和稳定具有重要意义。变电站主变压器是电力系统的主要设备,其运行的可靠性直接关系到电力系统的安全及供电的可靠性,为保证电力系统的安全运行,必须加强对变电站主变压器绝缘的监测。主变压器套管介损在线监测原理及应用研究,提出以电流和电压过零相位差为原理的在线监测介损的方法,分析了产生误差的原因及系统干扰的来源,提出了适合现场实际的抗干扰的方法,通过现场实测数据说明了变压器套管介损在线监测系统可行性。主变铁芯接地电流的在线监测技术的研究,提出并采取了不同档的传感器在线监测铁芯接地电流的新方法。主变油中六种溶解气体在线监测原理及应用的研究,提出以渗透膜、多传感气敏元件检测油中多种气体为特征的变压器油中六种溶解气体色谱在线监测方法,通过现场实测数据分析了其运行的稳定性与可靠性。通过对变电站主变压器开展在线监测的研究,为变电站推广综合自动化无人值守站打下了基础,提供了可靠的依据。运行分析表明:主变在线监测合理、可靠,能作为判断主变绝缘状况的依据。

【Abstract】 The second electric power plant of Hancheng is the largest thermal power plant which haS both the single and the total capacity in northwest of China. Which planed the total capacity is 4×600MW, parted two period. The first project was finished in 2005, including 2 stages 6×100MW generators group, raised up by transformer transport to high-voltage net, preferring power 4×109kW per year, the maxim loading is 12×105kW.The safe circulate of the electrified barbed wire netting is very important, especially normal circulate of the transformer substation equipments has the important meaning to assurance circulating of the electrified barbed wire netting. The main transformer of transformer substation is the main equipment of the electric power system, these courtiers and reliability of the electric power system is directly influenced by its reliability. In order to guarantee the safe circulate of the electric power system, the insulation monitoring of the main transformer is necessarily reinforced.The on-line monitor principle and applied researches of dielectric loss of a tube of main transformer, with the dielectric loss for the on-line monitor principle method of the current and voltage leads zero phase shifts: the error margin and the source analyzed to produce the reason of the system interferences, put forward the in keeping with spot the method of the actual anti-interference. Measuring the data actually explains possibility of on-line monitor system of dielectric loss of the transformer’s tube. The research of the on-line monitoring of grounding electric current in iron core presents the new method that adopts diverse long-string sensor.The on-line monitor principle and applied researches of six kinds of dissolved gases in the transformer oil is the on-line chromatogram monitoring method based on various gases characteristic of the permeable film and multi-transmit gas sensitive component. Measuring the data actually analyzes the stability and the credibility.The research that develops the on-line monitor of the main transformer expanded the comprehensive automation no body’s station to lay a foundation for the second electric power plant of Hancheng, provided the dependable basis. Circulate the analytical indicated: The on-line monitoring of the main transformer is reasonable and credible. It can judge the insulate condition of the main transformer.

  • 【分类号】TM41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】177