

Cohesion and Cohesion Errors in Chinese English Majors’ Argumentative Essays Across Grade Levels

【作者】 张欣

【导师】 龚俭青;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究了:(1)不同年级的中国英语专业学生在使用衔接手段上的变化趋势;(2)不同年级的中国英语专业学生议论文中的衔接错误的变化趋势及主要的衔接错误类型。在研究中,我们以Halliday&Hasan(1976)对衔接手段的分类法为基础,分析了80篇(每个年级20篇)取自同一大学四个年级的作文。通过分析发现衔接手段的变化随着年级升高呈现出不同的变化趋势。一些具有口语风格的衔接手段随着年级的升高有所减少,而词汇衔接手段则呈现出直线上升的趋势。这种口语语言特征的减少和词汇衔接手段,特别是复杂衔接手段如:同义词、反义词及同现关系词的增加,说明随着学习者年级的升高,以及其英语水平的提高,其写作中呈现出从多口语化语言特征到少口语化语言特征的变化趋势。也就是说随着年级的升高,学生的语体意识也有所提高。在对衔接错误的分析中,我们发现学生最常犯指代错误和词汇衔接错误。随着年级的升高,衔接错误的数量有显著不同,特别是在指代错误和词汇错误上。也就是说衔接错误的发展与一般的学习规律一致,即学生写作中的错误会随着年级的升高或水平的提高逐渐减少。但是我们也应该注意到,学生在省略、替代和连词上都未表现出错误逐渐减少的趋势,特别是在连词上。这说明:首先,连词对于学生来说是很复杂且难以掌握的,其次,也说明在连接词教学方面,教师应着重教导学生如何能正确地使用连词。本文研究了中国英语专业大学生议论文中衔接手段及衔接错误的变化趋势。这种变化趋势的揭示提醒外语教师和外语学习者在外语教学和外语学习中应注意衔接手段的使用,特别是一些具有口语特点的衔接手段。外语教师应引导学生正确认识并恰当的使用各种类型的衔接手段。另外对于衔接错误的定量研究表明,并非所有类型的衔接错误都随着年级的升高而逐渐减少,特别是连接词错误并未随着年级的升高而显著减少,这要求外语教师在教学中应对连接词给予足够的重视,教导学生准确并多样化的使用连接词。同时对于衔接错误的定性分析也提醒教师和学生重视这些学生常犯的衔接错误,以改善学生英语作文的质量。

【Abstract】 The thesis investigates (1) the trend of the change in using cohesive devices in Chinese English majors’ English argumentative essays across four grade levels; (2) the trend of the change of cohesion errors in students’ compositions across four grade levels and the main types of cohesion errors in English majors’ argumentative essay.In this study, the cohesive devices based on Halliday and Hasan (1976)’ classification in80 compositions written by English majors are analyzed to see if the frequencies of cohesive devices increase with the increase of students’ grade levels. The developmental trend of cohesion errors is also investigated. The results do not show the same trend of development on different types of cohesive devices. Some grammatical devices that are comparatively used more in spoken discourse show the trend of decrease with the increase of grade levels. And some devices show the trend of increase across the four grade levels, like the lexical cohesion. The decrease of the spoken-style cohesive devices and the increase of lexical cohesive devices, especially complex lexical cohesive devices, show that in writing with the change of grade levels, the students’ consciousness of style increases. The cohesion errors show the trend of decline from the first grade to the fourth grade. This corresponds to our common sense in language learning: the longer one learns, the fewer errors one makes. Yet only the reference errors and lexical errors show significant trend of decline with the increase of grade levels. The substitution and ellipsis errors and conjunction errors do not show the trend of decline, especially conjunction errors. This might result from the complexity of the conjunctions. The qualitative study of cohesion errors summarizes the types of cohesion errors that are often made by English majors’.The paper explores the developmental trend of the use of cohesive devices and of cohesion errors. It suggests that teachers and students should pay attention to some cohesive devices that characterize the spoke style. The quantitative study of cohesion errors show that the conjunctives are hard for students to command. Therefore English teachers should make more efforts in teaching students how use conjunctions. Moreover, the qualitative study on the main types of cohesion errors in English majors’ writing calls for teachers’ and students’ attention on these kinds of cohesion errors so as to improve the coherence in students’ English writings.

  • 【分类号】H319
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