

The Study of Upgrading Problems of Processing Trade in the Way of the Applicability of International Trade Theories

【作者】 尹瀚

【导师】 陈传兴;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 国际贸易学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 加工贸易自改革开放以来在我国得到迅猛发展,已经成为我国参与国际分工,进行国际贸易的主要方式,同时成为我国外贸进出口、利用外资和对外开放的重要组成部分,在我国对外经济贸易中占有十分重要的地位。加工贸易的迅速发展改变了我国的贸易结构,深刻影响着我国经济的发展,因此对我国加工贸易的发展过程、存在问题以及未来发展方向的研究具有非常大的现实意义。本文旨在从贸易理论发展的历史和贸易理论之间的内在联系和继承发展的角度,探讨我国加工贸易的发展战略和发展方向,试图说明我国加工贸易产业升级应遵循比较优势,在参与国际分工的同时,实现要素禀赋的升级和比较优势的动态演进。同时对我国加工贸易产业如何抓住当前跨国公司新一轮全球战略调整的机遇,在跨国公司全球价值链体系中找准位置,借助其全球生产体系实现我国加工贸易的升级转型提出了合理可行的建议。本文首先分析了古典贸易理论的发展及划分,在划分上提出了自己的看法,并对古典贸易理论、新古典贸易理论和新贸易理论对我国加工贸易的适用性进行了分析。本文认为,我国加工贸易转型升级必须遵循以下路径:劳动力要素从数量型向质量型转变;资源禀赋从劳动密集型逐步向资本技术密集型进行动态升级和演进的路径,进行转型升级。主要提出以下政策建议:改革户籍制度,改变我国劳动力市场城乡二元格局;进一步发挥外资的在资本和技术方面的优势;促进“边际产业”西移;培养产业集群和促进技术进步等。本文对我国开展加工贸易做出了一个新的有力的解释,理论分析和实证研究相结合。体现了理论的逻辑连贯性和理论与实际的密切联系。

【Abstract】 China processing trade has gain much development since the reform and opening policy has been taken in 1978. It has become the main trade way that greatly contribute to the development of the economy. But there are still some problems with the development of the economy. Such as lower technical factor in processing trade and smaller arousal:function to our industrial upgrading; unbalance in location development; worse trade friction and so on. We must resolute these problems successfully and promote industrial upgrading of processing trade in china.The author want to demonstrate how China processing trade will develop in the future under neo-classic trade theory structure. This thesis consists of 6 parts by which the author could logically show how processing trade will go in china.The thesis focuses on analyzing the neo-classic theory. And the author draw a conclusion that we must follow the comparative advantage law so that we can upgrade processing trade in reason. At last the author suggest a path of upgrading of processing trade in China.

  • 【分类号】F752.68
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1202