

Relevant Study to Employment Expectation and Satisfaction of College Graduates

【作者】 刘雪莲

【导师】 张平;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善和高等教育事业改革的不断深化,我国高等教育日趋大众化。自1999年大学扩招以来,大学毕业生在短期内迅速激增,使得大学生就业问题日益严峻,引起社会各界包括政府部门的广泛关注。改革开放近三十年,整个社会就业观念随着就业市场的巨大变化发生了相应转变。对于大学生就业群体而言,尽管从上个世纪90年代起国家就逐步取消了大学毕业生国家分配制度,采取了与市场经济体制相适应的“自主择业、双向选择”的大学毕业生就业制度,但是大学毕业生的职业期望依旧保持着精英教育时代的许多特征。大学毕业生的择业观和择业态度不切实际,已严重影响到大学生就业。因此,对于高校而言,在努力开拓就业渠道的同时,帮助毕业生根据市场需要和个人理想,建立科学、合理的职业期望,对其顺利进入就业状态,达到较高的就业满意度具有重要的现实意义。本文从大学毕业生职业期望对就业满意度影响的角度进行研究,探讨了职业期望内部维度与就业满意度的关系以及人口特征变量在职业期望对就业满意度影响过程中的作用;并构建了全程化大学生职业期望指导模式。通过对大学毕业生职业期望与就业满意度影响关系的研究,旨在帮助大学生建立科学、合理的职业期望,以提高大学生的就业满意度,这对于解决当前大学毕业生就业难及劳动力市场人才缺乏的“双难”局面,有一定的现实价值。本研究以四川省内5所大学的毕业生为调查对象,采用问卷调查,访问了210名被试。通过描述性统计、T检验、方差分析、相关分析、回归分析和交互作用分析,对所收集的数据进行计算和分析,得到如下研究结论:(1)通过对职业期望的内部维度进行验证性因素结构分析,职业期望可分为F1地位声望维度、F2内在价值维度和F3外在价值维度。相对于F1地位声望维度而言,毕业生对职业期望的F2内在价值维度和F3外在价值维度更为重视。(2)毕业生的职业期望与毕业生的性别、专业、家庭背景和生源所在地显著相关。(3)在本次调查中,毕业生就业满意度不高。毕业生的就业满意度与毕业生的性别和专业显著相关,与家庭背景、生源地不显著相关。(4)职业期望的F1地位声望维度与就业满意度存在显著正相关关系,F2内在价值维度与就业满意度存在极其显著正相关关系,F3外在价值维度与就业满意度存在显著负相关关系。(5)在人口特征变量与职业期望各维度的交互作用对就业满意度影响的研究中发现,当以就业满意度为因变量时,F1地位声望维度与性别、专业、生源地发生了显著交互作用;F2内在价值维度与性别、专业发生了显著交互作用;F3外在价值维度与专业、家庭背景、生源地发生了显著交互作用。这说明在不同人口特征变量的情况下,职业期望三个维度对就业满意度的影响作用不同。(6)本文提出了全程化大学生职业期望指导模式。

【Abstract】 With China’s socialist market economic system continuously improved and the higher education reform is deepening, China’s higher education increasingly popular. From the university enrollment in 1999, university graduates in the short term and makes students increasingly serious employment problems, society, including government departments widespread attention.Nearly 30 years of reform and opening up, the job market has undergone tremendous changes in its society, employment has also undergone tremendous changes. Although the last century 1990s States on the phasing out of the national university graduates distribution system, taken with the market economy system which is suited to the "free-choice, two-way selection," the employment of college graduates, But college graduates career aspirations has changed little. University graduates ideas of choosing careers and unrealistic attitude, has seriously affected the employment of university students, University graduates formed the result of the meeting of the labor market involuntarily unemployed, the labor market in the main involuntary unemployment problem. Therefore, the university, trying to open up the channels of employment at the same time, help the graduates according to the market needs and personal ideals, the establishment of a scientific and reasonable career expectations, their smooth entry into the state of employment, reach a higher degree of job satisfaction is of great realistic significance. This paper vocational graduates from the University of expectations on employment satisfaction of perspective, explore career aspirations within the latitude satisfaction with the employment relationship; Discussion on demographic characteristics of the vocational factors of employment expectations satisfaction with the impact of the process buffer; Based on empirical analysis concluded that Construction entire career aspirations of students guidance mode. Application entire career aspirations of students guidance mode guide the employment of college graduates, impact on jobs and employment satisfaction with the subjective factors guidance can help students build a scientific and reasonable career expectations, the employment of university students increased satisfaction, This resolve the current difficult employment of students and the labor market to the lack of qualified personnel in the "double difficult" situation has some practical value.This study used a survey of Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu University, Sichuan Normal University and other universities for five targets of the survey, visited the 210 were tested. To use three set of survey questionnaire --university graduate individual information questionnaire survey questionnaire; employment expectation questionaire,composed by wuliangliang and his reasearch group; and the graduate students employment satisfaction evaluation form, based on michigan organization work satisfaction evaluation form. Through descriptive statistics, T-tests, analysis of variance, regression analysis and interaction analysis of the collected data for calculation and analysis. The conclusion of the study are as follows:(1)Through the career expectations of the internal dimensions for confirmatory factor analysis, career aspirations can be divided into F1 status reputation dimensions, dimensions intrinsic value F2 and F3 external value dimension.(2)On the subject of the investigation employment satisfaction analysis, 53.8% of the job satisfaction of graduates is not high, 16.7% of the graduates have job satisfaction high, with 2.4% of the graduates was satisfied with the work. (3)From the targeted demographic characteristics of variable analysis of the difference between career aspirations, gender, profession, Source location of the three factors of population, employment of graduates expect the impact is significantly different. From the targeted demographic characteristics of variable analysis of the employment satisfaction differences, gender and employment of professional satisfaction significantly.(4)From the career aspirations of employment satisfaction over the impact analysis, the career aspirations of F1 status reputation latitude, Intrinsic Value F2 and F3 factors external value dimension is job satisfaction and significantly correlated.(5)Characteristics of the population variables and career aspirations to the interaction of the various dimensions of the employment impact of satisfaction found in the study, When job satisfaction as the dependent variable, the position of prestige and gender dimensions, the majors had made significant interaction; intrinsic value and gender, professional undergone significant interaction; external value and professional, family background, Hometown occurred interaction. This explains the different demographic characteristics of the variable circumstances, career aspirations of the three dimensions of job satisfaction to the different role.(6)According to the study, this paper presents the entire process of guiding students career aspirations model hope that the model helps students improve career aspirations, thereby increasing their employment satisfaction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】G647.38
  • 【被引频次】43
  • 【下载频次】3076