

On the Infringement and Legal Protection of the Patient’s Right to Know

【作者】 冉莉

【导师】 王建平;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国医疗事业的发展,人们权利意识的提高,患者迫切希望在就医时全面详细了解其患病情况、医疗方案、医疗措施、医疗效果、医疗风险、费用收取等信息,并根据这些信息作出自己意愿内的选择。这也对患者知情权的法律保护提出了更高的要求。患者知情权的含义是,患者在接受治疗的过程中,有了解与其治疗相关的一切信息的权利,并有权据此作出其认为对自己最有利的选择和判断。由于它体现了患者的人格尊严,是患者生命健康权在医疗领域的延伸,世界各国,如美国、德国、法国、日本等国家,以法律或宣言的方式明确了患者享有的知情权及其范围,具体明确的规定了医方的告知义务。我国的一些法律法规如《医疗事故处理条例》、《执业医师法》等也对患者的知情权有相关规定,但存在法律法规的内容不全面、不完整、法律规定缺失、法律规定适用冲突等诸多矛盾,这并不利于全面切实的保证患者的知情权。本文针对上述现实状况,从患者知情权的概念性质入手,研究分析患者知情权侵害的相关问题及法律保护。第一章主要论述了患者知情权的概念、内容,分析了患者知情权的权利起源、形成与发展,对患者知情权的性质进行了探讨。第二章论述了患者知情权的行使问题。明确了患者知情权的主体、客体。分析了患者知情权行使的两种方式,即患者主动询问和医疗机构履行告知义务,阐述了患者知情权行使的原则。对医师说明义务的主体、类型、标准以及保护医疗制度下患者知情权的实现进行了论述。第三章研究了患者知情权侵害问题。从侵权主体、侵权的构成要件、侵权行为的性质、侵权的责任承担四个大方面进行研究。侵权主体方面,本文赞同行为主体与责任主体统一说,并进行了分析。侵权构成要件,本文从四要件说,即行为违法、损害事实、因果关系、主观过错。对四个要件进行了详细阐述。同时,对损害赔偿、免责事由等进行了探讨。第四章探讨了患者知情权的法律保护问题。从我国立法的现状出发,分析了当今立法的法律缺失和法律适用的冲突问题,从立法体例、法律保护的内容、法律保护的范围、法律保护的程序四个方面提出了笔者的构想和建议。通过以上的论述和研究,旨在引起法律界和理论界对此问题的进一步研究和探讨,全面保护患者权益。

【Abstract】 With the development of medical industry of our country, the improvement of people’s right consciousness, patients hope while acquiring medical advice overall to understand their diseases, medical scheme, medical measure, medical result, medical risk involved, then make their own decision by collecting information in detail urge. This has put forward higher requirement to the legal protection of patient’s right to know.The basic meaning of patient’s right to know is that the patient has the right to understand all the information concerned with his disease and treatment and to freely make decision on whether a medical method should be taken to treat his disease. Because patient’s right to know reflects the patient’s dignity of human personality and it is the extension in the medical field of right of patient’s life and health, Countries all over the world such as U.S.A., Germany, France, Japan, etc. have defined the patient’s right to know and range that patient enjoys by the way of law or declaration. Some laws and regulations of our country such as《The Regulation On the Handling of Medical Accidents》,《Law of the People’s Republic of China on Medical Practitioners》have relevant provisions to the patient’s right to know, however, these laws exist a great deal of contradictions, including the contents of the laws and regulations are not overall, incomplete, the legal provisions are lacked, the legal provisions are inapplicable, so they are not able to ensure overall protect the patient’s right to know perfectly.The article directs against realistic state described above, proceeds with concept and nature of patient’s right to know, researches and analyzes relevant issues and legal protection.Chapter one mainly illustrates the concept, establishment, and characteristics of the patient’s right to know. Chapter two illustrates the enforcement of patient’s right to know, explicates the subject, object of patient’s right to know, analyzes two ways in which patient exercises his right to know including the patient inquiring voluntarily and the medical organization performing duty of telling, meanwhile, researches the subject, type, standard of the obligation of the doctor’s informing. Moreover, the realization of patient’s right to know under defensive medicine principle has been elaborated.Chapter three discusses the infringement upon patient’s right to know. The author concentrates on such issues as the subject of responsibility, essentials in tort, the nature of behavior, legal responsibility. It’s said in this article that breaking the law, damages, causality and fault are the basic components. Meanwhile, compensation for damages, responsibility free etc. are elaborated.Chapter four researches the legal protection of patient’s right to know in our country. This part analyzes two main problems in our laws and regulations. First, there is absence of basic law in this field. Second, there are many conflicts and undefined factors in application. Finally, the author makes suggestions on how to protect the patient’s right to know better and brings forward feasible solutions.Through the above-mentioned, the author sincerely wishes that her research will be beneficial to the consummation of the legislation on the patient’s right to know in china.

【关键词】 患者知情权行使立法完善
【Key words】 the patient’s right to knowenforcementlegislationconsummation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D922.16
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】424