

Research Mass Aesthetic Taste Transformation on Illustrations in 20 Century

【作者】 黄媛

【导师】 吴永强;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 艺术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从插画的兴衰现状分析入手,以20世纪中国插画的兴衰为线索,分析其兴衰变化的原因与结果。通过对该时期插画演变的历史性梳理发现,依据社会形态的根本性转变、经济政策的调整与深化等多重原因的影响,插画的发展分为三个时期:20至40年代、50至80年代、90年代至今。前两个时期的插画呈继承式关系,并都置于传统审美观体系中。后一时期与前期相比存在较多对立性特征,置于反传统的审美体系下。二者是非继承式关系,而是以不同的艺术方式并存在当下时代。贯穿各个时期插画转变的重要原因是大众及大众审美趣味的变迁。本文首先以时间和艺术样态为线索,分析三个时期插画各自不同的发展状况,并将重点放在后两个时期。从大众文化的商品性与娱乐性的特性出发,考查前两个时期插画从商品性、自发性、娱乐性等特征向商品性的弱化和精英化发展趋向转化,并分析90年代后新兴时尚插画对中西方图式与文化的运用。值得注意的是,演变过程中,有三大重要的原因导致传统的衰与现代的兴:一是服务对象的变化,即大众文艺所指向的大众已发生改变;二是出现当代审美观念的转型;三是追求时尚的审美心理需要。从兴衰结果中,我们看到各个时期的插画具有各自不同的艺术特征,并有各自的优缺点。前两个时期的插画呈现继承性关系,无论是从表现形式还是对传统文化的传承上,其发展相对成熟。然而,发展至后期,插画演变为由精英艺术家操纵的、为政治服务的为政治艺术,缺乏对大众审美需要的深层次地挖掘成为其发展过程中的致命伤,没有被大众更多的接受,从而渐渐失去作为大众艺术的魅力。再考查新兴的时尚插画。由于它关注大众群体与大众审美趣味的多样性,极大地拓展了艺术的内容,获得商业性与娱乐性上的成功。诚然,时尚插画因存在西方文化生搬硬套的挪移和与中国文化脱节的现象,目前还存在表现力的不足和过于短暂的时效性,暴露出时尚插画的不足之处。但是作为大众艺术一员的插画,体现大众性成为插画兴衰的重要原因,这也是时尚插画的成功点。在现代插画的发展中,大众审美趣味得到重视和提升,从单一走向多样态的发展。

【Abstract】 The essay begins with the analysis of the ups and downs of illustrations in the 20 century, analyzing the reasons and concluding the results for changes. Through analyze the history of illustrations, on the basis of social form and financial policy of transform and so on, illustration divide into three periods, from 1920s to 1940s, from 1950s to 1980s, from 1990s to now. Above the two periods take on continuity relationship, lay up traditional aesthetic sense. There is opposition of characteristic between earlier stages to later stages. In the aesthetic sense of opposition of tradition, the former and the later lay up exist together with different feature in the present age. Among the reasons and results for changes, one important clue is the change of the mass aesthetic taste.The essay analyzes contemporary illustrations, illustrations with time and art forms as clues. It analyzes the weakened commercial nature and the trend of elite development in traditional illustrations, and the borrowed usage of Chinese and western patterns and cultures in fashion illustrations. It is worth noticing that there are three important causes resulting in the decline of tradition and emergence of modernity. Firstly, the mass referred to in mass culture has already changed. Secondly, the transformation of modern aesthetic notion has occurred. Thirdly, the fashionable aesthetic notions launch challenges against traditional ones, that is, the challenges from fashion and exhilaration. The resulted outcomes present us the successes in traditional illustrations and fashion illustrations in their own domains while also reveal some shortcomings. Traditional illustrations are still on political road, yet to be accepted by the public and lack of the charm as a mass art. Although Fashion illustrations succeed in commerciality and entertainment function, they reveal the phenomena that western culture is placed unnaturally and Chinese culture is disjoint. In the development of modern illustrations, the mass aesthetic taste is emphasized, shifting from singularity to diversity.

【关键词】 插画大众审美趣味变迁
【Key words】 IllustrationsMass Aesthetic TasteTransformation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】J218.5
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1061