

A Juristic Study of Commonweal House Demolishing and Relocation

【作者】 尹思

【导师】 李平;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 经济法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着城市建设步伐的加快,随着房屋拆迁的热潮的掀起,许多房屋拆迁中的问题,接踵而来。一方面,许多城市,以公共利益和城市建设投资开发为由,以行政命令的方式,大举对城市房屋进行拆迁,在拆迁过程当中一味压低对被拆迁人的补偿标准;另一方面,群众对政府大拆大建的行为不满,对拆迁补偿标准不满;这样的情况之下,房屋被拆迁,被拆迁人得到的补偿不足以重新置业,丧失了安身立命的基本场所。于是,老百姓对拆迁行为怨声载道,群众上访事件不断,有的甚至作出过激的行为,对社会造成了不良的影响。这不禁让人心生担忧:在经济快速发展的同时,拆迁问题如不妥善解决,必将影响正常的生活秩序和社会稳定,最终成为经济发展的障碍。为缓和社会矛盾,最大程度的保护被拆迁人的利益,最大程度的加快城市现在化的进程,对拆迁行为的研究已然成为当务之急。将公益性拆迁进行区分是否有必要?公益性拆迁当中的公共利益应如何界定?公益性拆迁如何能够才能保证其公平公正合理?本文将一一对以上问题进行阐述。

【Abstract】 Of the late years,as the quiken of the urban city construction,and coincided the upsurge of the old house removal,many problems have gradually emerged one by one.On the one hand, in many cities, taking public interests and urban construction investment and development as an excuse, with forcible administrative action, local government carries out the old house removal and resident relocation on a large scale. In the process of the removal and relocation, compensation to the relocation residents has been drivend down increasingly ; on the other hand, the public feel dissatisfied about the government’s action. Under this situation, houses were demolished, however house owners obtained little compensation which cannot afford their relocation, so that they lost their real estate became homless. Therefore, complaints are heard everywhere, appealing to the higher authorities for help become endless, some even take ultra action and make a negative influence to the society.The situation aroses many concerns: as the economy is growing very fast, if house demolishing and relocation problems cannot be well solved, it will promised to greatly influence the ordinary life order and social stability, and finally be obstacles of economic development. In order to ease up the social confliction, and protect the legal right of relocated residents in maximum extent, and quicken the process of urban moderlization. a juristic study of house demolishing and relocation turns to be an urgent affair. Is it necessary to make definition of the commonweal house demolishing and relocation? How to define the public interests in the commonweal house demolishing and relocation? How to guarantee the equity, impartiality and rationality of the commonweal house demolishing and relocation? Regarding to the above questions, this article will try to explore the answers for them.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D922.181
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】200