

Study on Erosion Prevention from Foreign Culture in Construction of Information Resource on Internet

【作者】 李媛

【导师】 赵媛;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 图书馆学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 网络信息技术的发展加快了各民族传统文化在世界范围内的碰撞和渗透,某些西方国家凭经济、科技优势,以网络为便捷的传输工具,对被侵蚀国的文化进行挤压、侵蚀,以达到渗透本国意识形态和价值观念的目的。因此,网络信息资源建设中防范外国文化对本民族文化的侵蚀,保护并发展民族传统文化成为信息资源建设的客观要求。如何客观地分析文化侵蚀现象的表现和原因?管理部门如何在开放的网络环境下防范外国文化侵蚀?信息产品和服务提供者如何有效还击外国文化侵蚀?这些都是网络信息资源建中外国文化侵蚀及防范要解决的问题。本文贯穿了保护传统文化和加强信息资源内容建设这一宗旨,从文化安全和信息资源建设两个角度,分别审视了文化安全视角下的信息资源建设问题和信息资源建设视角下的文化安全及防范问题。通过对网络信息资源建设中外国文化侵蚀的表现、危害、原因、现状四个问题进行深入系统的分析研究,提出网络信息资源建设中防范外国文化侵蚀的对策,实现了在防范外国文化侵蚀的同时,完善和加强网络信息资源建设的双重意义。本文采用提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的方法,逐步展开论述。全文共分五章。第一章主要探讨了文化侵蚀的含义和研究本课题的意义,引出话题。第二章结合网络信息资源建设实践,从文化安全的角度分析了网络信息资源建设中文化侵蚀的途径、表现和危害。第三章从主客观两个方面,总结和分析了存在文化侵蚀的原因。第四章阐述了我国、美国及法国、日本等主要非英语国家的在网络信息资源建设方面的现状,分析了我国在网络信息资源建设中防范外国文化侵蚀所存在的问题,总结了其他国家在信息资源建设中防范外国文化侵蚀的优点。第二章到第四章是分析问题部分,始终贯穿着在网络信息资源建设中保护传统文化的宗旨。第五章是解决问题,提出防范文化侵蚀的特点、原则和对策。信息资源建设应当以内容建设为核心,积极开发民族文化,提高网络信息数量,加强数字图书馆建设。同时建立并完善防范文化侵蚀管理体制和民族文化保护体系。本章是全文的归结所在,也最集中地体现了防范外国文化侵蚀和促进信息资源建设的目的。

【Abstract】 The development of internet technology accelerates the collision and penetration around the world of traditional culture of every country. Occident took advantage of economy, technology and internet, the convenient tool to erode and penetrate culture of the eroded countries, in order to penetrate their own ideology and value. Therefore, protection of indigenous and traditional. culture from foreign culture erosion in construction of information resource on internet is the objective requirement of information construction. How to analyze the performances and reasons of culture erosion? How could the administration department prevent culture erosion under the circumstance of internet era? How could the suppliers of information products and services counterattack this erosion? All of them are the issues that erosion prevention from foreign culture is going to settle.The paper, which is linked by the subject of protecting the traditional culture and strengthening the content construction of information resource, survey the problems of information resource’s construction and culture security and prevention from two perspectives of culture security and construction of information resource separately. The paper analyses the performances, hazards, reasons and current situation of foreign culture erosion in construction of information resource on internet, as well as the Countermeasures of prevention from culture erosion. Meanwhile, it achieves the double significances of prevention from culture erosion and boosting the construction of information resource on internet. The paper discourses gradually, based on methods of inducing, analyzing and solving problem. There are five parts of this paper. Chapter 1 which induces the subject introduces the concept and significance of the research. Chapter 2 analyses the ways, performances and hazards of culture erosion combining the practice of information construction on internet. Chapter 3 generalizes the reasons from subject and object perspective separately. Chapter 4 summarizes the current situation of China, USA and main non-English countries including France, Japan, etc., then-advantages in prevention from culture erosion and problems we have to settle in our construction of information resource on internet. These are the part of analyzing problems. Chapter 5 which is the part of solving problems gives the features, principles and suggestions of prevention. The most important is to explore traditional culture, increase the possession of internet information, and strengthen the construction of digital libraries. Meanwhile, establish and perfect systems of erosion prevention and indigenous culture protection. This part is the conclusion of the whole paper and emphasizes the subject of protecting the traditional culture and strengthening the content construction of information resource.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】G203;G122
  • 【下载频次】189