

Differentiation and Analysis of the Condition of Post-obscurity of City Poetry

【作者】 赵蜀玉

【导师】 干天全;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 进入90年代之后,中国都市的发展也进入了一个新的阶段,现代工商业文化飞速发展,大机器生产与现代商业成为都市经济和生活的命脉,同时也侵入人们的生存方式和生活习惯,改变了人们生活的社会结构和文化模式。同时在中国现代工商业文明的发展过程中,古典的诗歌审美发生了巨大的转变,现代新诗的出现颠覆了传统的诗歌审美情趣,与此紧密相关的是人们心理的巨大变动,以及审美观的转变。特别是第三代诗歌运动出现,后朦胧诗占据了诗坛的重要位置。后朦胧诗打出的旗帜虽是对朦胧诗的反叛和叛逆,但实现的途径是反文化、反传统、反崇高的价值取向和反抒情、反技巧、反意象的写作方式,这种对传统文化的反叛造成了很严重的文化后果。正因为这是一场主动的文化叛逆,因此在很大程度上造成人们的精神迷茫和空虚。这是与十年动乱性质不同的迷茫,是一种选择中的迷茫,因为有很大的选择空间,所以好像一切都不重要了,无所谓崇高和卑劣的分界,也无所谓文化和无文化,在对立消失的同时,原先被贬抑的一方得到重视,甚至演变为对另一方的刻意贬抑,也就是对文化传统的刻意割裂。都市诗歌由此进入后朦胧状态。对于现代都市诗歌的理论分析近年来逐渐升温,但从总体数量和质量上来说还是停留在比较浅的层面上。特别是20世纪80年代末以来的都市诗歌随着都市化的扩展和深化更趋复杂和深入。因此笔者在对各种资料进行整理的同时,侧重针对80年代末以来的都市诗歌进行系统理论化的分析和论证。期望通过笔者的梳理,能够对80年代末以来都市诗歌的新特征、整体走向进行准确的定位,同时揭示出都市化逐渐加深的过程中都市人心态调整机制及生存困境的恶化,从中抽出诗歌中创作在新时期所体现出的审美情趣的转变过程,积极探索都市诗歌的发展方向,并提出有益建议。

【Abstract】 China’s city has developed into a new phase ever since 1990’s. Contemporary civilization of industry and commerce has developed fast. Manufacture of big machinery and contemporary commerce have become life lines of city economy and life, invaded the way of existence and life habits, and changed social structure and culture code.During the course of the development of contemporary Chinese industry and commerce, classic taste of poetry has changed greatly. Contemporary fresh poetry has overthrown traditional taste of poetry. Accordingly, people’s psychology has transformed tremendously, and value of taste turned. Especially, the third era poetry has emerged, and post- obscurity poetry has occupied a vital position. The banner of post- obscurity poetry is a rebellion against obscurity poetry. However, the approach is to adopt a trend of value of anti-culture, anti-tradition and anti-nobleness, and a way of writing of anti-feeling, anti-technique and anti-image. The rebellion against traditional culture has resulted in severe culture effects. Just because this is an active culture rebellion, it has brought about the emptiness and puzzle of people’s spirit. It is different from the puzzle in the 10 years’ tempest. It is a puzzle among choices. Because of wide choices, it seems that nothing is important, and that there isn’t a dividing line between nobleness and beggary, or between culture and non-culture. When the contradiction disappears, the side that is oppressed becomes important, and even on purpose depreciates the other side, which divides cultural tradition deliberately. As a result, city poetry goes into the condition of post- obscurity.In recent years, theory analysises of contemporary city poetry have become popular. But they are superficial in quantity and quality. City poetry has become complicated with the expansion and deepening of urbanization since late 1980’s. I emphasize on systematic theory analysis and reasoning of city poetry of since late 1980’s. I hope to have a exact definition of new character and the whole trend of city poetry since late 1980’s, and to reveal the system that citizens adjust psychology and deterioration of life trouble with the deepening of urbanization, in order to conclude the transition of taste of poetry creation in the new period.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】107