

Study on the Benefit Shortage of Patent Litigation

【作者】 郑宁

【导师】 陈永革;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济分析法学的创立,作为经济学最基本范畴的效益开始进入法学的研究框架,并在法学领域确立了其重要地位。效益是诉讼程序的两大基本价值之一。诉讼效益意义重大,是任何诉讼制度、任何诉讼类型都必须高度重视的问题。专利权客体的特殊性、专利诉讼的特点以及我国背负的知识产权国际条约上的义务,共同决定了诉讼效益在专利诉讼中的特殊重要性。然而,依据诉讼效益的概念和评断标准对几类专利诉讼的效益状况做一番定性考察,可以发现,由于其内在的特殊性,专利侵权民事诉讼以及不服专利复审委员会专利权无效宣告请求决定提起的行政诉讼的效益明显严重缺乏。本文即旨在对专利诉讼中的效益缺失问题进行探讨:首先根据诉讼效益理论指出并论证问题所在,然后分析导致其出现的原因,最后在借鉴法治发达国家避免专利诉讼效益缺失的有益经验的基础上,结合我国实际提出解决问题的基本对策和具体措施。全文共分为四个部分。第一部分是专利诉讼效益概述。首先分析了诉讼效益在法经济学和法社会学两种不同语境中的含义,在此基础上提出诉讼效益的概念及其评断标准。进而结合专利诉讼的特殊性,对专利诉讼效益的概念和评价要素作出具体分析。第二部分依据专利诉讼效益的概念和评断方法对专利诉讼中存在的效益缺失问题作出论证。专利诉讼的效益缺失问题在两种诉讼中表现突出:专利侵权民事诉讼;不服专利复审委员会专利权无效宣告请求决定提起的行政诉讼。两种诉讼的效益缺失问题是本文要解决的核心问题。本部分内容在对问题作出论证的同时指出导致其出现的原因,并在最后对原因作出归纳,同时分析两种诉讼效益缺失问题的关系,认为两种诉讼效益问题的解决依赖于对现行专利权有效性纠纷解决机制的改革。第三部分对法治发达国家避免专利诉讼效益缺失的做法进行考察。文章就美国、法国、德国和日本如何优化专利权有效性纠纷解决机制,以避免对专利侵权诉讼和无效宣告诉讼的效益价值造成损害的有益经验进行了详述和评价。第四部分是针对前述问题及原因,借鉴法治发达国家有益经验并结合我国实际提出解决对策。首先提出解决问题的基本思路并对其进行理论分析,最后给出三种具体的改革建议,并从中作出相对合理的选择。文章认为应当将专利权有效性纠纷案件直接交由法院依据民事诉讼程序审理,如此可以从根本上消除专利无效诉讼的效益缺失现象。另外,在改革措施的实施中,或者将专利侵权案件与有效性纠纷案件合并审理,或者在审理两种纠纷的不同法院之上设置共同的专利上诉法院,如此则可以解决专利侵权诉讼缺乏效益的问题。

【Abstract】 With the foundation of Economic Analysis of Law, effectiveness, as the most fundamental aspects of economics and one of the two basic values of proceeding, began to enter the framework of law and established its importance in the field of law. Effectiveness of litigation is of great significance which is the issue that the adversarial system of any type must attach great importance to.The peculiarities of the patent object, the characteristics of patent litigation, and the obligation under the treaties of international intellectual property rights codetermined the outstanding significance of the Effectiveness of Patent Litigation. However, acoording to a qualitative survey of several types of patent litigation situation based on the concept and standards of litigation Effectiveness, we can find, because of the inherent uniqueness, the serious efficiency shortage in the civil litigation of patent infringement and the administrative litigation for patent reexamination against the patent invalid declaration by the patent reexamine council.This paper aims at probing into the issue of the efficiency shortage in the patent litigation. First, indicate and demonstrate the whereabouts of the issue acoording to the Lawsuit Effectiveness theories, and then analyze the causes, and in the last part bring forward, on the groundwork of the useful experiecnces of how in the developed countries to avoid the lack of patent litigation effeciency, the essential approaches and concrete measures integraded china’s realities.The body can be divided into four parts.The first part is an overview of patent litigation efficiency. Firstly, it analyzed the signification of the proceeding efficiency in two different context of Economics and Sociology Law and hereon brought forward the conception and evaluation standards of the proceeding efficiency. Then integrated the particularities of the patent litigation, concretely analyzed the concept and the factors to analysis and evaluation of the patent litigation effectiveness.In the second part, it demonstrated the issue of the effectiveness shortage in the patent litigation based on the concept and the way of evalutaion. The issue of effectiveness shortage in the patent litigation often appears in the followoing two kinds of proceedings: the civil action of patent infringement; the administrative litigation for patent reexamination against the patent invalid declaration by the patent reexamine council. These two kinds of effectiveness shortage are the core points that the paper is about to figure out. In this part, besides demonstrated the issue , pointed out the causes and at the end made a conclusion, it also analysed the relationship between the two kinds and considered the solution to them was depending on the revolution of the patent disputes settlement mechanism.The third part saw about the way in developed countries to avoid the effectiveness shortage in patent litigation. This paper did a detailed depiction and estimation on the usful experiences of how to optimize the patent disputes settlement mechanism in the United States, France, Germany and Japan in order to avoid the value lose of effectiveness from the patent infringement litigation and the invalid proceedings.In the fourth part, in view of the aforementioned issues and causes, brought forward the sulutions integrated the china’s realities and the overseas positive experiences. First brought forward the basic ideas of how to solve and then made an academic analysis, at last gave three specific reformational proposals and relatively in reason chose one from the three. This paper maintained that the effectiveness of patent dispute cases should be directly referred to the Court pursuant to civil proceedings. In this way, we can basically eliminate the effectiveness of patent litigation invalid deficiency. In addition, the implementation of the reform measures, or to cases involving disputes validity of a patent infringement case with the merger trial Two different courts in adjudicating disputes or installed above the common patent Court of Appeal, In such cases, the lack of efficiency can solve the problem of patent infringement lawsuits.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D915.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】224