

Cross-culture of Chinese Secondary School Students with Respect to Effects of Parenting Style on Bullying in School

【作者】 邬洁妮

【导师】 周宗奎;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 欺负,是一种特殊类型的攻击行为,是指力量较强的一方对力量相对较弱的另一方有意实施的有伤害性结果的负面行为。近20年来,学校欺负问题成为心理学研究的一个热点问题,受到越来越多的关注。各国心理学家就欺负问题做了大量的研究工作,然而研究主要还停留于描述性阶段,对欺负行为影响因素的研究还不多,跨文化研究更是少见。众多的研究已证实:父母教养方式对中学生欺负行为的形成有重要的影响作用。因此,本研究采用问卷调查的方法,对马来西亚2所中学101名及中国1所中学85名华人中学生进行调查,得出以下结果:1.无论马来西亚还是中国,中学生皆存在严重的欺负问题,马来西亚中学生卷入欺负行为的有23.8%,无关者有76.2%。中国中学生卷入欺负行为的有21.2%,无关者有78.8%。2.卡方检验结果表明,欺负情况在国籍和性别上并不存在显著差异。3.多元方差分析结果表明,只有母亲教养方式的二个因子——惩罚严厉和拒绝否认对中学生欺负行为的主效应显著,父亲教养方式的影响均不显著。4.马来西亚欺负受欺负者的母亲比欺负者、受欺负者和无关者的母亲更多地采用惩罚严厉的态度对待孩子,中国受欺负者的母亲比无关者的母亲更多地采用拒绝否认的态度对待孩子。

【Abstract】 Bullying refers to the negative behavior on hurting relatively weaker side acted by relatively stronger kind of people. In the recent 20 years, the bully problem in school is a hot topic in psychology study, there are many researches were focused on the problem. Psychologists from many countries achieved a lot on this field, but it still stays on the descriptive level. Cultural Comparison between two nations on this matter is rare.Many investigations have proven that the parenting style take effects on bullying in school. Thus, in this investigation, questionnaire is used to survey the 101 Chinese student of Malaysia and 85 student of China on the bullying problems in schools. The results indicated that:1. A serious bullying problems existed in secondary school of both nation countries. There are 23.8% of students of Malaysia involved in bullying problems, 76.2% of students are not involved. Meanwile, 21.2% of students of China are involved in bullying problems, 78.8% of students are no involved.2. Chi-square test indicated that bullies status is no significant differences in nationality and gender.3. Multivariate AVOVA indicated that mothers’ punishment and rejecting parenting style have significant main effect with student bullying behavior in school. However, fathers’ parenting styles have no significant influence on children.4. In Malaysia, mother of bullying/victimization children tends to be more punitive than mother of bullies, victims and no involved. In China, mother of victims tends to have more rejecting parenting styles than mother of no involved.

  • 【分类号】G78
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