

The Study of Integrity in Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations

【作者】 郑代斌

【导师】 梅萍;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国自古以来就有关于诚信的训诫,如“人无信不立,政无信不威”“人而无信,不知其可也”等。进入21世纪的现代社会,诚信,作为做人的基本准则,人之为人的重要品质,已被归为公民基本道德规范之一,被提到相当重要的位置。诚信是建设社会主义和谐社会、完善社会主义市场经济的基本要求,是社会主义思想道德体系的基石。高等教育自学考试制度秉承着“以考促学”“以考育人”的理念,继承并发扬儒家“以学为主”的思想,形成了以自学为基础,以国家考试为主导,辅以社会助学的教育形式。但在改革开放与社会转型时期,由于受诸多社会因素的影响,社会上存在着诚信失范现象,表现为欺诈蒙骗、伪劣商品、贷款不还、假文凭泛滥以及考试作弊等。这种诚信失范现象也不可避免的辐射到高等教育自学考试领域中,严重影响了自学考试的公正性和科学性。基于此,本研究把高等教育自学考试中的诚信问题作为研究对象,从现实情况出发,循着高等教育自学考试诚信失范的具体表现与危害性,探讨自学考试中诚信失范的深层原因,提出有效控制自学考试中诚信失范的基本思路,以建立健全自学考试制度,促进自学考试健康有序的发展。本文认为,考生诚信失范的主要表现是考试作弊、背信违约与证件作假等;考试机构诚信失范则主要表现为监管不力、纵容包庇、助学不到位与知行不统一等。高等教育自学考试诚信问题直接影响教风和学风,直接关系到高等教育人才的培养质量和高等教育和谐发展。如果不加以防范和控制,自学考试诚信失范将会带来以下几点危害:第一,加剧了社会信用危机;第二,破坏公平有序的竞争环境;第三,扭曲自学考试的教育本质;第四,动摇自学考试事业发展的根基等。本文认为,自学考试诚信失范是社会大环境、高等教育体系与自学考试自身的不足共同作用与影响的结果。主要有市场经济带来的消极影响、社会上诚信危机的蔓延、用人单位唯文凭倾向的诱导、考试中利益博弈的影响、自学考试的制度不健全、高等教育法制建设的滞后等。因此,有效防范与控制自学考试中诚信失范问题可以遵循以下几个途径,包括营造全民诚信的氛围、重塑人才理念,推进制度创新、建立考试信用体系、完善自学考试制度,依法治考、加强自学考试工作人员职业道德建设等。

【Abstract】 Our country has many old sayings concerning integrity, as "The person without integrity cannot be a real man, the government without integrity has no prestige." In the 21st century, the integrity, as the basic criterion and the important quality of the people’s behavior, has been enhanced to the quite important position. It is the basic requirement in building a harmonious socialist society and improving the socialist market economy, and the cornerstone of the socialist ideological and ethical system.Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations system continues the ideas of "to promote exams, to learn", and also inherits and carries forward "to learn" which is the main idea of Confucians. It is a new form of education, which is based on self-study, guided by the national exams, and supported by the community education. At present, in the reform and opening up and transitional period, loss of integrity has become a common social phenomenon due to the negative influence of market economy. It includes fraud and cheating, shoddy goods, loans without returning, proliferation of fake diploma, cheating in exams and so on. This kind of integrity loss also inevitably spread to Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations. So this study takes the issue of integrity in Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations as the research object, embarks from the actual situation, analyzes the concrete performance of the loss of integrity in Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations, the hazardous nature, the reason of this kind of loss, how to effectively control it, and carries on quite comprehensive reconsideration in order to perfect the system and promote the healthy and orderly development of Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations.The major loss of integrity of the candidates is cheating in exams, document fraud and breach of contract; and that of the department of Exams is the loss of inadequate monitoring, alienation role and no help to students and so on. The issue of integrity of Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations is directly related to higher education quality and harmonious development of higher education. If we do not guard against and control it, harmful effects will naturally follow: First, to aggravate social credit crisis; Second, to destruct the fair and orderly competitive environment; Third, to twist the nature of Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations; Forth, to shake the foundation of Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations.This paper argues that the loss of integrity in Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations is caused by the imperfection of the social environment, the higher education system and Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations itself. Plus, some other factors also contribute to it, such as utilitarian ideology which brought about by the market economy, the crisis of integrity in the society, the only diploma orientation in employing, interest game in Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations, the incompleteness of Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations system and the legal system of higher education.To prevent and control effectively the loss of integrity in Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations the following ways should be included: creating good atmosphere of universal stresses on integrity, establishing correct concepts of talent, reforming the personnel system, conducting effective education on integrity, and improving the existing Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations system and promoting the legal system of higher education.

  • 【分类号】G726.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】355