

Boundary of the Right to Know in Environment

【作者】 周鲁耀

【导师】 牛忠志;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 环境知情权作为一项权利最先起源于行政法上的知情权制度。自1992年联合国环境发展大会通过的《里约宣言》对公众环境知情权作出规定以来,世界发达国家纷纷建立了自己环境知情权保障制度。环境知情权在我国还只是一项边界模糊的权利,现行法律对其权利地位、权利内容、义务主体以及相应的行使手段和救济方式都缺乏明确的规定,使其在相当程度上处于被虚置的状态。传统的权利边界理论在学界主要是被作为权利冲突的一种解决机制而提出的,其基本含义是指一项权利可以自由行使并受到救济的法律所允许的最大范围。权利边界不仅仅是此权利与彼权利间的衡量,它还应当包括对同一权利内部不同权利——义务模式的区分。环境知情权的外部边界即环境知情权能够被自由行使,并且寻求法律的救济的范围,其实质是环境知情权与国家机密、商业秘密、个人隐私以及社会公益、政府特权等法益的平衡协调机制。环境知情权内部边界是指对公众相对于政府的权利与相对于企业的权利,以及政府对企业的环境行政管理权与公众对企业的环境信息知情权进行的区分。内部边界和外部边界实质上是一个问题的两个方面,它们共同界定了一项权利的行使范围。环境知情权同样具有外部边界与内部边界,其外部边界是指环境知情权与相邻权益间的区分,内部边界则主要调整环境信息披露义务在各义务主体间的分配。外部边界是内部边界的权利外延,内部边界的划分也会影响外部边界的张缩。作为一项新生的权利,环境知情权的权利领域大多与传统权益如政府行政权、隐私权及商业秘密等发生交叠,是传统权益在环境知情领域的一种退让;同时,环境知情权的行使也同样受到相邻权利的制约和限制。本文该部分拟就环境知情权与国家机密、商业秘密、个人隐私以及社会公益、政府特权等法益的平衡协调来具体界定环境知情权的外部边界。环境知情权内部可以细分为公众对政府的权利、公众对企业的权利以及政府对企业的环境行政权力,它们分别对应着政府的环境信息披露义务、企业的环境信息披露义务。政府的环境信息管理权,这一定程度上既是一种政府的行政管理权力,同时也是政府履行其相应行政管理职能的义务。这些不同的权-义模式需要应用不同的法律规范进行调整,因而明确环境知情权的内部边界是在立法上予以分别调整的前提。权利边界的明晰需要相关法律制度的保障,对环境知情权外部边界的明确包括环境知情权概念法律确认、明确环境信息内容、建立环境信息披露例外制度等;对环境知情权内部边界的明确包括我国政府信息公开制度的完善、对企业环境信息披露义务的界定、企业评级和环境标志等。按照我国目前的法律体系,这些内容可能被分散在各个法律制度中,这对构建我国环境知情权的统一边界是很不力的;因而制定一部统一的《环境信息公开法》对相关内容进行集中规定,对我国环境知情权边界的明确具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Origin of the right to know in environment (RKE) is the administrative law. Since the Manifesto in Leroy which prescribed the right to know on environment passed by the United States in 1992, most of developed countries constituted their own protect system of the right to know on environment. But it is still a hazy right in our country now for there are no clear prescripts on its status, content, principal of obligation and instruments for redress correspondingly in our actual law.The boundary of right in traditional theory was usually be advanced as a method for right conflict, its basic meaning is the borderline which indicated the maximal range where a right can be exerted freely and can be relieved by law. The rights we usually talk about merely just a simple mode for right-to-obligation, in fact, a good number of rights include multi-principal of either rights or obligations, which could be called as a "right group" . The boundary of rights could not just be described as a borderline between different rights in this instance; it should involve the partitions inside the right between the different right-to-obligation modes. In this way we can compartmentalize the boundary of the right to two portions: the exterior boundary and the inner boundary. The exterior boundary of the RKE is the range that the RKE can exert freely and can receive salvations from the law; its essential is a balance among the RKE and other interests. The inner boundary is divisions between the right public to government and the right public to government, and between the environmental administrative power governments to enterprises and the right to know on environment public to enterprises.The RKE is a multiple right. So the exterior boundary of the RKE is the demarcation with its neighbor rights, and its inner boundary is the distribution of droids and responsibilities between different principal parts. The exterior boundary is extension of the inner boundary, the diversification of inner boundary can also influence the exterior boundary, and they are two sides of one coin substantively.There are quite lot crossovers between the domains of the RKE and other traditional rights because it is still a neonatal right now. It requires traditional rights concede in the scopes of the right to know, at the same time it should be restricted by other rights as a response. This issue wants definitive the exterior boundary of the right to know on environment through balance and harmonization between the RKE and other traditional rights as national security, commercial secrets, personal privacy, commonweal and governmental prerogatives, etc.We can compartmentalize the RKE into three parts: public to the government, public to enterprises, and government to enterprises, they are compounded by both right and obligation; they are corresponding to government or enterprises’ obligations that throw daylight on environmental information. The power government to enterprises we can regard as a power or an obligation either. These different patterns of right-to-obligation need multiform orders to modulate, and a clear inner boundary should be a precondition of the legislation.The definitudes of boundary of the RKE include affirmance of the concept of the RKE, its legal contents, exceptions, and the partition of obligations between governments and enterprises. These contents would be dispersed into many proportions according to our active legislative institution, and this is not a good situation to found a uniform system of the RKE. Enact an expert publication law of environment information can resolve this problems.

  • 【分类号】D996.9;D912.6
  • 【被引频次】7
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