

A Vibration Signal Acquisition and Analysis System Based on MATLAB

【作者】 唐世振

【导师】 蒋济同;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究的主要目的是开发可以实时采集与分析振动信号的软件系统。编写实时数据采集程序和实时数据分析程序,同时开发了输入未知情况下模态参数识别程序。系统仅基于一种编程语言平台—MATLAB,增强了软件的可维护性、可移植性等性能。系统主要包括如下几部分:首先,开发了数据采集模块。应用的主要硬件是研华公司的PCI-1712采集卡与压电式传感器。第一步:建立硬件与软件平台之间的联系。第二步:开发实时数据采集程序。主要依据MATLAB的数据采集工具箱的编程规则编程。同时,利用PCI-1712采集卡的先进先出的缓冲特点。将一定时间间隔的数据从缓冲区删除(这里需要保证删除掉的数据已经进行了保存)进而采集新的数据,以保证数据的实时性。其次,利用MATLAB中的信号处理工具箱实现了振动信号的实时处理,包括如下四部分内容:信号预处理:消除趋势项,平滑处理等;信号时域处理:滤波处理、相干函数等;信号时域处理,主要包括各种谱函数:自相关函数、自功率谱密度函数、频响函数等;模态参数识别:频域法识别、时域法识别,进行结构的模态、阻尼比、振型识别。上述信号处理功能的实现主要依赖于MATLAB强大的计算功能以及完善的库函数。再次,利用MATLAB强大的矩阵运算功能实现几何模型和振型的动画显示。最后,利用MATLAB的图形用户界面功能,开发出了友好的、功能强大的系统操作界面。

【Abstract】 The main purpose of this paper is to design a real-time vibration signal acquisition and analysis system. The innovations are that designing real-time data acquisition program and designing real-time signal processing program, while designing parameter identification program under unknown input load. The main contents are as following.Firstly, the data acquisition module is develpoed. The main hardwares are PCI-1712 data acquisition card and piezoelectricity sensor. The first step is to build the link between hardware and software platform. The second step is to design real-time data acquisition program based on the program rule of Data Acquisition Toolbox and the FIFO buffer of PCI-1712 data acquisition card. With removing the used data from the buffer at intervals (Be sure the data has been saved) and then gather new data, the data’s real-time performance can be obtained.Secondly, the signal processing module is developed with Signal Processing Toolbox. The contents include four parts as following. The pretreatment of signal, the signal processing in time domain mainly about filter, the signal processing in frequency domain mainly about spectrum function and the parameter identification module. All the present of the above functions are based on the powerful numeration performance and perfect functions of MATLAB.Thirdly, with the powerful matrix numeration function, the model of structure and the movie play of Normal Modal are obtained.Finally, friendly mutual system is developed with GUI of MATLAB.

  • 【分类号】TP274.2
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】3575