

A Study on Integrated Pipeline Network Geographic Information System of Fengfeng Development Based on GIS

【作者】 律海波

【导师】 李树文; 杨卫华;

【作者基本信息】 河北工程大学 , 环境工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 城市地下各类管线是城市赖以生存和发展的物质基础,随着经济的发展和计算机技术的进步,城市建设、管理、发展的矛盾日益突出。城市的信息化水平己经成为衡量其发展与现代化程度乃至投资环境的重要标准;地下管网作为城市的重要基础设施,自然成为城市信息化建设的重要组成部分。采用高新技术和方法来高效管理地下各类专业管线,满足决策、管理部门和施工单位的需要已成为当务之急。通过地理信息系统可以实现对各种管线信息的输入、存储、查询、分析、显示等实用功能,因而开展综合管网地理信息系统的应用研究是十分必要的,同时也为建设“数字峰峰”奠定坚实的基础。本文研究的综合管网信息系统是峰峰空间信息基础建设的重要组成部分。笔者在收集峰峰综合管网数据的基础上,进行数据处理与数据库的建立,形成峰峰综合管网数据库。按照地理信息系统软件工程的思路与方法,结合峰峰管网自身特点,对其进行科学的系统分析与设计,并以MAPGIS为GIS开发平台在VB环境下对其进行二次开发,建立具有一定稳定性、规范性、实用性和可维护性的强大的管网信息系统。系统主要功能包括管网数据管理、管网分析功能、管网运行管理等。该系统基本上满足了峰峰管网动态信息管理的要求,不仅为相关管理部门提供良好的服务,而且能为城市规划、工程建设等提供辅助决策依据,具有一定的实用价值。

【Abstract】 Various urban underground pipelines are the material basis for the survival and development of cities. With economic development and the advancement of computer technology, the contradiction is becoming increasingly prominent among urban construction, management and development. The information level of one city has become an important standard for development and modernization of city as well as the investment environment. As important infrastructures of a city, underground pipe network has naturally become an important part of a city. Various professional underground pipelines are managed efficiently by using advanced and new technologies and methods, which has become urgent to meet the needs of decision, managed departments and construction organization. Geographic information systems can achieve practical functions such as the input of various pipelines, storage, query, analysis, display and so on. Thus it is necessary to develop integrated networks of geographical information systems and, at the same time lay a solid foundation to build a "Digital Fengfeng".In this paper, an integrated network information system is an important component of spatial information infrastructure on Fengfeng. The writer based on collecting the data of Fengfeng mining integrated network, Fengfeng integrated network database has formed from data processing and database establishment. According to geographic information systems and software engineering’s thought lines and methods connected with, Fengfeng network’s own characteristics, the scientific analysis and design was proceeded, MAPGIS as the GIS development platform and under the Visual Basic development environment their second development are carried out, and to establish a powerful network information system of. stability, standard, practicality and maintainability. The functions of the system include network data management, network analysis, network operations management and so on.The system basically satisfied the dynamic information management requirements of Fengfeng network, it has practical value not only for the relevant departments to provide good services, but also for urban planning, construction and other supplementary basis for decision-making.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】204