

Study of Exploitation and Utilization & Protection of Water Resources and Water Environment in Linzhang Hebei

【作者】 刘彬

【导师】 王树谦;

【作者基本信息】 河北工程大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 水是人类生存和发展的生命线,是国民经济和生态环境的命脉,是实现可持续发展的重要物质基础。水资源管理是解决全球水危机和贫困问题的关键,中国水管理改革的战略应从“以工程建设为中心”转变到“以制度建设为中心”,水资源与水环境综合管理,正是这一战略思想的体现,也是我国过去未曾有过的管理模式,是当今世界、亚太地区和中国亟待解决的一个大问题。河北省临漳县属于资源性缺水地区,在水资源开发和利用过程中,由于受自然因素和人为因素的综合影响,出现了一系列问题,主要有:地表水可利用量减少,水环境恶化;地下水严重超采;水资源与水环境管理力度不够,人民群众管理意识有待进一步提高。因此,对临漳县水资源开发利用和保护进行研究,对水资源的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。本文是在临漳县世行节水灌溉项目和GEF海河项目开展的基础上进行研究的,研究的主要内容包括:其一,对临漳县水资源与水环境现状及其管理现状进行评价,在此基础上进行了供耗分析;其二,进行水资源高效利用研究,主要从农业节水、工业节水、城镇生活节水三方面展开研究,提出一系列的节水对策;其三,对临漳县的点、面污染源、水环境状况进行了调查分析,在此基础上提出相应的治理对策;其四,对临漳县的ET值进行计算,利用ET技术进行水权分配,控制地下水开采量,使地下水位在多年间达到动态平衡,实现水资源可持续利用。

【Abstract】 Water is the lifeline of human being’s existence and development, the lifeline of national economy and ecological environment, and also important material base of realizing the sustainable development. The water resource management is the key to solve the global water crisis and the impoverished question, the Chinese water management reform strategy should change from " take the engineering construction as the center " to the "take the system construction as the center", the water resources and the water environment synthesis management, manifestses precisely this strategic concept. This management pattern has not been used in the past in our country, also is a major problem in the world, the Asian-Pacific area and China urgently await to be solved.Water is lack in Linzhang Country of Hebei Province. Because of the combined affection of natural and human factors, there are series of problems in the process of exploitation and utilization of water resources. They mainly include: usable surface water reduced, water environment worsen; groundwater overdraft; secondary soil saline and alkali spread;lack management of water resources and water environment, poor consciousness on management. So the study of the exploitation and utilization and protection of water resources in Linzhang Country has realistic significance for the water resources sustainable development.The study is on the base of the Water Conservation Project financed by the World Bank and GEF Haihe River Project in Linzhang. The major contents include: firstly,water supply-demand balance is analyzed in Linzhang Country based on the present evaluation of water resources and water environment and management status; secondly, the paper researches water use efficiency and poses a series of problems from water saving in agricultural, industrial and urban domestic uses; thirdly, a series of countermeasures are presented on the basis of investigation of point and side pollution sources and water environment status; fourthly, the calculation and analysis of ET value is made with ET technology. Using ET value allocated the rights of water resources in Linzhang Country. Control groundwater extraction, make groundwater extraction in the years reach an average dynamic equilibrium and achieve sustainable use of water resources.

  • 【分类号】TV213.4
  • 【下载频次】246