

Studies on Effects of Vanadate and Vanadium Complex on Growth and Physiology of Two Marine Microalgae

【作者】 李令杰

【导师】 焉翠蔚;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 海洋生物学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以青岛大扁藻(Platymonas helgolandica Kylin var. tsingtaoensis Tseng et T.J.Chang var.nov.)和绿色巴夫藻(Pavlova viridis Tseng,Chen et Zhang sp.nov)两种重要的海洋饵料微藻为试验对象,分别研究了这两种微藻在正常和缺铁胁迫培养状态下钒盐及钒配合物对其生理生化的影响。得到结果如下:1.偏钒酸铵对两种海洋微藻生长及生理生化的影响:(1)低浓度偏钒酸铵(0.05、0.4、3.2mg/L)处理下:两种海洋微藻的生长均无明显变化;青岛大扁藻藻液中可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质的含量显著升高,试验第三天测得其叶绿素含量明显提高,但到试验第六天,偏钒酸铵对叶绿素的提高作用消失,SOD活性显著下降;绿色巴夫藻生理指标无明显变化。(2)高浓度偏钒酸铵处理下(对于青岛大扁藻是4.8、6.4 mg/L,对于绿色巴夫藻是6.4、25.6 mg/L):两种海洋微藻的生长均被明显抑制,但绿色巴夫藻对偏钒酸铵的耐受力远大于青岛大扁藻;青岛大扁藻可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质的含量显著提高,叶绿素含量和SOD活性明显下降;绿色巴夫藻可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质、叶绿素a含量显著下降,而SOD活性却明显提高。(3)缺铁胁迫下,低浓度偏钒酸铵对其生长无明显影响,而高浓度下则对其生长有明显的抑制作用。(4)两种海洋微藻POD同工酶谱有很大差异:青岛大扁藻有七条酶带,而绿色巴夫藻只有一条。随着偏钒酸铵处理浓度的增高,青岛大扁藻POD同工酶基因表达发生了明显的变化,诱导产生了2条Rf =0.096和Rf =0.140的同功酶酶带,同时丢失了Rf =0.063、Rf =0.471两条酶带,且青岛大扁藻主酶带Rf =0.452的颜色先加深后变浅。2.钒配合物对两种海洋微藻生长及生理生化的影响(1)低浓度钒配合物对两种微藻生长影响不明显,而高浓度钒配合物却能显著抑制其生长。(2)当两种微藻处于缺铁胁迫状态下时,在实验浓度范围内钒配合物均能很好的促进其生长,但最佳促进浓度不同,对青岛大扁藻为50mg/L,而对绿色巴夫藻为75mg/L。(3)在实验浓度范围内钒配合物能显著提高缺铁胁迫下两种海洋微藻叶绿素、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质的含量。

【Abstract】 The effects of vanadate and vanadium complex on the growth and physiology of two marine microalgae (Platymonas helgolanidica,Pavlova viridis ) were studied systemically and comprehensively.Through experiments, we get results as follows:1. Through the experiment of the effects of Ammonium Metavanadate on the growth and physiology of two marine microalgae,we got the following conclusion:(1) NH4VO3 at lower concentration (0.05, 0.4, 3.2mg/L) had no significant effect on the growth of Platymonas helgolanidica but it enhanced soluble carbohydrate content and soluble protein content .It could also enhance the Chlorophyll content on the third day, but had no significant influence on Chlorophyll content on the sixth day. Meanwhile, it decreased the enzyme activity of SOD of Platymonas helgolanidica. While it had no remarkable effect on physiology of Pavlova viridis.(2) NH4VO3 at higher concentration (4.8, 6.4 mg/L for Platymonas helgolanidica, while 6.4, 25.6 mg/L for Pavlova viridis) seriously inhibited the growth of the two marine microalgae.While the tolerance to NH4VO3 stress of Pavlova viridis was higher than that of Platymonas helgolanidica. At the same time the soluble carbohydrate content and soluble protein content of Platymonas helgolanidica was enhanced while the Chlorophyll content and enzyme activity of SOD decreased. The soluble carbohdrate content, soluble protein content and Chlorophyll-a content of Pavlova viridis decreased while the enzyme activity of SOD enhanced.(3) NH4VO3 at lower concentration had no significant effect on the growth of the two marine microalgae under Fe-deficiency stress, while NH4VO3 at higher concentration seriously inhibited the growth of them.(4) POD isozyme zymograms of the two marine microalgae were very different. The Platymonas helgolanidica contained seven isozyme bands while the Pavlova viridis contained only one isozyme band. With the concentration increase of NH4VO3, two new bands (Rf =0.096, Rf =0.140) of POD isozyme were induced, at the same time two bands (Rf =0.063, Rf =0.471) lost, also the colour of the major band(Rf =0.452) at first became daker then became lighter subsequently.2. Through the experiment of the effects of vanadium complex on the growth and physiology of two marine microalgae,we got the following conclusion:(1) Vanadium complex at lower concentration had no significant influence on the growth of the two marine microalgae, while it seriously inhibited the growth of the two marine microalgae at higher concentration.(2) When the two marine microalgae were under Fe-deficiency stress, vanadium complex could accelerate the growth of them. The optimum dose of vanadium complex for Platymonas helgolanidica was 50mg/L,while that for the Pavlova viridis was 75mg/L.(3) Vanadium complex at certain concentration could enhance Chlorophyll content, soluble carbohydrate content and soluble protein content.

  • 【分类号】Q945
  • 【被引频次】3
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