

Research on College Students’ Stress and Coping Strategies

【作者】 何利娟

【导师】 王建军;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是知识经济时代,国家的强盛,民族的振兴需要是更多高素质人才,具有良好的心理素质是成为高素质人才的根本。当代大学生是中华民族富强和开创21世纪大业的主力军,更需要具有良好的心理素质。目前,大学生心理健康状况并不乐观,其中心理压力是造成大学生出现心理不健康或亚健康的主要原因之一。通过从外部因素和内部因素两方面认真分析大学生面对的学习压力、人际交往压力、情感压力、就业压力和自我形象压力这五种压力源,并针对大学生心理异常的轻重程度分为一般心理问题、心理障碍、心理疾病和自杀,进行了细致阐述,同时揭示了大学生常用的应对压力的方式及其应对策略在不同年级、不同性别、城乡之间、独生子女与非独生子女之间表现出来的特点,并进一步阐述了大学生应对方式的人格、认知、父母教养、社会支持四个影响因素。同时,提出了培养大学生的刚强人格、培养大学生良好的认知风格、培养大学生增加自己的心理自由度、帮助大学生掌握自我身心放松训练以及帮助大学生掌握控制和调节不良情绪的五种方法,从而使大学生能够运用有效的应对方法,提升自身应对压力的能力,更好地预防、缓解和消除心理压力,培养自身健康的心理素质,为中国特色社会主义建设提供高素质的人才。

【Abstract】 It is the time of knowledge-economy in 21century. In order to strong our country and the nation, we need more talents with high qualities, so, such talents should equipped better psychological basis. Contemporary college students are in urgent needs to own good mental qualities. At present, stress is the main cause to make college students psychologically unhealthy or sub-healthy. This article seriously analyzes the stress, such as stress of study, interpersonal relationships and emotion etc. It explains the overall mental problem. The article reveals coping styles and the characteristics. It also further expounds four affective factors. The article proposes five methods such as cultivating their firm personality, raising their good cognitional style, training them to increase their own psychological freedom, as well as helping them to muster the relaxing exercises of the self-body or self-mind etc. So that, college students can enhance the ability of dealing with stress, preventing, alleviating and eliminating it even better. It will provide high qualified talents for a socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1729