

Study on Downhole Oil/Water Separation Technique in Bottom Water Drive Reservoirs

【作者】 蒋百召

【导师】 张琪;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 底水油藏中应用井下油水分离技术可将油井的部分产出水直接在同井中回注,从而大幅度减少水的举升、处理费用,延长高含水油井的经济寿命,也减少产出水带来的环境压力,具有良好的经济效益和环保效果。采用理论、物模和数模三种方法来研究底水油藏产出液经井下油水分离器分离后,部分产出水回注到底水层的可行性及有效性。在广泛的文献调研基础上,研究底水油藏开发特征、底水锥进机理、常用计算方法、底水锥进的影响因素以及常用控制底水锥进的方法;并从计算近井地带压力分布入手,结合室内实验物理模拟与数值模拟研究分析注入井对生产井近井地带压力分布的影响,验证经井下油水分离器分离后的部分产出水水同井回注到底水层的可行性与有效性。三种研究方法的结果表明:底水均质油藏的开采可以采用井下油水分离同井注采技术,此时注入水对生产层的干扰是不大的,并未导致恶性水淹;井下油水分离同井注采技术配合打隔板,开发初期下入隔板可以减少中低含水期地层产水,提高油井无水采油量,后期下入分离器,减少地面产水,延长油井开采期,是一种提高底水油藏采收率以及减少产出水的有效措施,在底水油藏中将会有广泛的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Downhole oil/water separation (DOWS) technique in the bottom water drive reservoirs, which offers both economical and environmental benefits, can greatly reduce the costs of lifting and treating of the produced water, and extend the economic service lives of oil well with high water cut, by directly reinjecting the partly of produced water into the bottom water formations of the identical oil well. This paper adopt theoretical investigation, physical modeling and numerical simulation three approaches to study on the feasibility and availability of partly produced water reinject into the bottom water formations of the reservoir after the DOWS separated. On the base of wide-ranging document retrieval, this paper study on the exploitation characteristic of bottom water drive reservoir, the bottom water coning mechanism, the common computing methods, the major affecting factors and the common approaches about controlling bottom water coning. Then calculate the distribution of pressure near well bore, and combine with laboratory experiment physical modeling and numerical simulation, analysis the pressure distribution near well bore which impacted by reinjected water, to verify the feasibility and availability of partly produced water reinject into the bottom water formations of the reservoir after the DOWS separated. The three methods findings are as follows: the DOWS technique is applicable in bottom water drive homogeneous reservoirs, and the injection interfere with the production zone faintly and no malignant water flooding occur. Since the baffle can reduce the layer water rate when in low-water cut stage and develop the water free oil production, the technique of reinjection and lifting in the same well can reduce the surface water rate and extend the oil production period in the later stage which produce high water cut, in case of combine with inject chemical form artifical baffle, the technique of reinjection and lifting in the same well will be much effective to enhance the recovery ratio in the bottom water drive reservoirs.

  • 【分类号】TE357
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】505