

Research and Application of Well Location Decision Assistant System

【作者】 魏荃立

【导师】 张文东;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 计算机技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 论文课题源自胜利油田井位部署辅助决策系统建设项目,其研究内容与结果是该项目的重要组成部分。本文根据油田勘探井位论证的工作流程,针对井位部署研究中数据搜集困难、项目进度难以监控、部署流程复杂、成果资料难以保存管理及共享等现状,对油田探井论证辅助支持进行了系统分析,重点对涉及的项目库和井位优选的决策支持的理论模型进行了设计与实现。油田井位部署辅助决策系统以项目数据库的方式将分散在多个研究单位或个人手中的各类图档资料信息集中分类地保存起来,通过该系统使勘探项目、工区、研究成果、地震数据体、解释数据、井数据等有机地组织在一起,使勘探研究成果在勘探项目组内进行了充分共享;基于项目库,系统实现了井位部署决策所需的:工区底图浏览、地震剖面远程显示、井筒信息可视化,为论证专家提供了论证现场所需数据的展示;采用井位聚类分析和模糊数学综合评判决策方法,为井位论证决策提供了基本模型;利用井位部署流程子系统贯穿了井位论证、部署、管理业务的全过程中,使勘探业务有机的整合为一体,实现了井位论证工作的计算机管理。该软件系统基于.NET框架,应用C#,ASP.NET开发实现,完成了大容量数据组织及访问、基于.NET Remoting服务的地震剖面远程显示、项目库数据组织、项目库与专业库数据导入导出等关键功能。该成果已在胜利油田勘探生产的相关管理部门以及多家研究单位全面试用,即将在全油田范围内推广应用。

【Abstract】 According to the work-flow of shengli oil field exploration well decision, collecting data is difficult to the exploration researcher,administrators can’t know the progress of plan in time,deployment’s work-flow is very complex,research production don’t be managed in database and shared.So we design the assistant decision system for exploration well deployment.The system achieves the purpose that collecting all kinds of datum from many departments and saving in the project database.It becomes a information exchange site,the exploration project,work area,research production,seismic datum,explainer datum,well datum can be organized into one system,which can share the research production in the exploration project;Through the datum expression of well decision,we can achieve the browsing of work area basemap,the seismic section’s remote display,the well position report’s display,the visual information of well’s wall.The system can lead to a right direction for those expert’s exploration decision .The system runs through all the process of well positon’s decision,deployment and management,which makes the exploration work becoming integrated.Now we can manage the well positon’s decision with computer,which improves work efficiency,condense whole exploration circle.The software system under .NET framework, programming with C# and ASP.NET. We have complete the following function: the mass capability datum’s organization and accessing;the seismic section’s remote display base on the .NET Remoting service;the project database’s organization;the data exchange between the project database and professional database.Now the system is tested by shengli exploration manage department and some geological research departments,it will popularize in shengli oil field.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】198