

A Legal Study on Property Management Service Contract

【作者】 陈幽

【导师】 王建平;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 物业管理服务合同是一种新型的民事合同。在现代物业管理制度下,业主不是亲自实施对物业的管理,而是通过与物业管理服务公司订立物业管理服务合同,将自己对物业的管理权授予物业管理服务公司,由此来实现对物业的管理。鉴于我国目前物业管理服务行业飞速发展,而物业管理相关立法严重滞后,通过物业管理服务合同来约束合同各方当事人的权利义务,规范当事人的行为就具有非常重要的现实意义和法律意义。在物业管理法律法规尚未健全的情况下,应当充分利用合同调整物业管理中的民事法律关系,依法订立物业管理服务合同,并正确区分物业管理服务合同的种类,明确各类物业管理服务合同当事人的权利义务和违约责任。本文拟从以下四个部分对物业管理服务合同进行分析:第一部分为“物业管理服务合同概述”,该部分对物业、物业管理、物业管理服务合同的概念进行了辨析,并对物业管理服务的种类进行了分析。第二部分为“我国物业管理服务合同的法律分析”,该部分对我国现行物业管理立法进行了阐述,并重点分析了物业管理服务合同的性质。第三部分为“物业管理条例中的物业合同”,本部分构成本文的主要部分。该部分分为四节:一、物业管理服务合同主体;二、物业管理服务合同的缔结与生效;三、物业合同的内容;四物业合同的变更与解除。第四部分为“物业管理服务合同的救济”,该部分阐述了物业合同纠纷产生的阶段、种类以及对不同纠纷的救济方式。此部分还包括对物业管理立法模式、立法指导思想的思考,以及对将来我国《物业管理法》基本内容的设想。

【Abstract】 Property management service contract is one of a new-style civil contracts. In modern times property management system, the owners does not manage the property themselves, but manage it through the contract with the property management company. The owners grant the authority of their property management to the property management company, so that they achieve the management. The property management service industry expands at very fast speed in our country, but the interrelated legislation of property management drops behind. There are all important realism and legal meanings to restrict the rights and obligations or to standardize the behavior of each party through the contracts. This paper has four parts:The first part is the summary of property management service contracts. The writer analyzed the concepts of property, property management, property management service contracts in this part. Furthermore, the writer analyzed the categories of property management service contracts.The second part is the legal analyze of property management service contracts of our country. The writer here expatiated the existing legislation of property management of our country and analyzed the characters of property management service contracts.The third part is the main part of this paper. It’ s about property contract of property management statutes. There are four parts --- 1. the main party of property management service contracts; 2. the subscription and taking effect of the contracts; 3. the contents of the contracts; 4. the changing and abolishment of the contracts.The fourth part is the relief of the property management service contracts. The writer analyzed the phase, the classes and the different relieves here. This part also included the thinking of legislation mode and the guidelines. Finally, the paper gave the assumption of the future Property Management Law of our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D922.181;D923
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】271