

Study on the Peasants’ Specialized and Cooperative Economy Organization in Henan Province

【作者】 周童

【导师】 赵慧芬;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 农民专业合作经济组织作为一种联系小农户与大市场之间的组织形式,对于加快农业产业化进程、促进农民增收、建设现代农业有着十分重要的意义。本文首先对农民专业合作经济组织的概念进行了界定,指出所研究的对象以农民专业技术协会和专业合作社为主。接着阐述了所运用的相关理论,包括合作社理论、组织理论、农业产业化理论等。然后介绍了美国、日本、韩国等国农民合作经济组织的发展情况,得出国外农民合作组织的两个鲜明特征是:明显的现代企业制度和经济、政治与社会功能融于一体。既而文中分改革开放前后两个阶段叙述了我国农民合作经济组织的发展历程,人民公社其实割断了劳动者与生产资料及最终劳动成果之间的联系,抑制了广大农民劳动的热情,致使中国农村经济长期停滞不前,始终未能摆脱贫穷的困扰。80年代后,农民专业合作经济组织在我国又有了很大发展。对于河南农民专业合作经济组织的状况,文中从组织区域、合作领域、牵头人、服务内容、辐射范围等方面分析了它的特征,并以郑州、焦作、开封、南阳为例进行了典型分析;进而作者分析了河南农民专业合作经济组织发展中存在的诸如总体发展很不均衡、资金短缺、政府管理错位、合作组织缺乏技术指导问题、登记注册不规范等问题;最后,针对河南农民专业合作组织发展中存在的问题,从组织管理、组织机制、金融支持、新型农民培养、政府职能、农业推广体系等方面提出了解决的对策。

【Abstract】 As a organization which relates small peasant households and the big market,The peasants’ specialized and cooperative economy organization has the extremely vital significance for speeding up the agricultural industrial production,promoting the peasants’ income and constructing the modem agriculture.This paper first defines what is The peasants’ specialized and cooperative economy organization and points out that the peasants’ specialized technology association and specialized cooperative society are the primary study objects. And then the auther elaborates correlative theories, including cooperative society theory, organization theory, agricultural industrial production theory and so on.In the following, this paper introduces development situations of peasants’ cooperative economy organization in US, Japan and South Korea and extracts two distinct characteristics of the overseas farmers’ cooperative organization: The obvious modern enterprise system and the economy, politics and social function are melt in a body.Subsequently the auther narrates the development situation of peasants’ Cooperative economy Organization in China before and after the reform and open policy, the people Communalization had actually cut off the relationship between the peasants and the producer goods and the final work achievement, suppressed the general peasants’ enthusiasm, caused the rural economy in China to bog down for a long time and not to be able to get rid of the puzzle of poor throughout.After the 80’s, the peasants’ specialized cooperative economy organization has developed quickly in China. Regarding the development situation of peasants’ specialized cooperative economy organization’s in Henan, the auther analyzes its characteristics on the region, the area of collaboration, leaders,service content and scope and take Zhengzhou, Jiaozuo, Kaifeng, Nanyang for examples.Then the author analyzes the problems of peasants’ specialized cooperative economy organization exiting in Henan province , such as the unbalance of overall development, the fund short, the dislocation of government management, the lacks of technical guidance, the registration is not standard and so on.Finally, in view of the problems existing in Henan, the auther proposed his countermeasures , Involving the organization management and system, the financial backing, new pattern peasants, government function, agriculture extension system.

  • 【分类号】F321.42
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】227