

【作者】 董书强

【导师】 郑俊果;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 公司法现代化运动在世界范围内展开,各国纷纷加快公司法修订的步伐。经济民主是当今社会的主旋律,公司自治思想更是深深根植于各国(地区)公司法。这是时代发展的要求,也是市场经济发展的需求。公司登记注册制度作为公司法上的一项重要制度,是规范公司登记行为、确定登记主管机关、内容、程序等事项,调整公司登记关系的一项法律制度。作为国家调整市场交易行为的一个重要手段,公司登记注册制度对于保障市场主体的合法权益、维护市场交易的安全具有重要意义。科学的立法应保持一定的前瞻性,充分享用后发性优势。我国公司登记制度的改革应该以进一步地完善社会主义市场经济体制为前提,以国际惯例为导向,以提高经济效益为目标,以鼓励和吸引各类资源参与经济活动为原则,宽进严管,积极培育规范、富有活力和效率的市场主体,努力创造公开、公平、公正的竞争环境,为经济和社会的发展提供重要的微观基础。唯有如此,才有可能建立符合市场经济发展要求的公司登记注册制度。文章紧紧围绕公司登记注册制度,分三大部分展开论述。首先,文章简要介绍了公司登记注册制度的基本理论,阐述了公司登记注册的概念、特征,分析了我国公司登记注册制度的设立登记、变更登记和注销登记的三个方面,着重探讨了公司登记注册制度的价值。这是文章展开论证的基础。其次,文章花了较大的篇幅评析了我国现行公司登记注册制度,分为两个方面,一方面以新旧公司法为基础从法律规范的角度对公司登记注册制度进行了比较分析,另一方面结合实践工作,斗胆探讨了我国公司登记注册制度存在的一些问题。最后,作为文章的主体部分,从公司设立登记、变更登记和注销登记三个方面提出了完善我国公司登记注册制度的若干设想。

【Abstract】 The Law Of the Company develops in the world nowadays, and every country try its best to revise and renew it. The economy democracy is the main melody in nowadays, and the idea of company self-government affects the Law Of the Company deeply in every country. This is the requirement of the development of the age and the marketing economy. The register system of the company is an important system of the Law Of the Company, which standards the register of company, determines the register of the organ in charge, the content and the program, readjusts the relationship register of the company. As an important means of the country to readjust the market transaction, the register system of the company plays an important role in ensuring the legal rights of the market, and safeguarding the safety of the market trade.It is rational to make the legislation keep ahead of the time, and make good use of the successfully legislative experience. The reform of the register system of our country should base on the consummation of the economy system of the socialism market, its direction is the international practice, its goal is to increase the economy benefit, and the principle of it is to encourage and attract every kind of resources which takes part in the economy. The new register system of the company should help the company to set up more easily, and administer the company in the daily life. The new register system of the company should try the best to create a fair and open competition environment for the companies, and provide important microcosmic foundation to develop the economy and the society. Only on such bases above, we could ormulate such register system of the company that accords with the economy requirement of the market in our country.The paper revolves three parts to discuss the register system of the company. The first part is the basic theory of the register rule of the company. In this part, the paper introduces the conception and characteristic of the register system of the company, the basic content of the register system of the company which includes the set up, the codification and the termination of the company. The second part comments and analyzes on the register system of the company. This part is the core of the paper. First of all, the paper compares the new Law of the Company with the old Law of the Company, with the result, the paper can analyze the register system of the company more deeply. After that, the paper points out the defects of the new register system of the company. In the last part, the paper talks about the consummation of the register system of the company, which includes the consummation on the rule of the company in set up, change and termination.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】463