

【作者】 陆伟华

【导师】 符启林;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 商品房预售是90年代初从香港引进的一项制度,相对于现房销售,属于期房性质。它对于资金能力较弱的开发商是有利的,其通过预先出售在建的商品房,从购房者身上进行融资获取开发资金,以较少的自有资金撬动资金量巨大的房地产开发项目,起到四两拨千斤的功效;另一方面,对于购买者而言,对购买的商品房也具有一种锁定价格的作用,能够消解他们对不确定前景的担忧。房地产开发因融资量大,投资多,需通过一定的方式筹集资金,商品房预售成为房地产开发企业常用的一种筹资方式。其作为一种新的销售形式首先在深圳、珠海等沿海地区、继而在全国各地被普遍采用。实践证明,这种方式不仅对房地产开发企业自身筹集资金、搞活经营、避免风险起着重要作用;而且扩充和完善了房地产市场的容量和层次。房屋预售的运作体现为放大商品房的供需范畴,吸引社会民众的多样化参与,客观上对活跃房地产市场,促进居民住房条件的改善,实现资产的保值有着积极的意义。但是,在商品房预售交易关系中,预售双方所处的地位与动产交易以及不动产即时交易不同,商品房预售具有交易周期长、可预测性差、标的物价值高、预售合同关系多边化以及受中央和地方政府政策影响大等特点。在“逐利”的目标指引下,开发商利用自身经济、地位、知识等优势在商品房预售过程中损害预购人的利益,预购人因为对商品房预售市场认识不够,加之现行法律法规的不完善,商品房预售纠纷不断。况且,在商品房预售过程中处于弱势地位的预购人依据现行法律制度也难以凭借自身力量避免或阻止开发商的不法行为,其权利不能充分获得救济与保障,商品房预购人权益保护问题显得非常突出。本文以预购人的权益保护为中心,结合我国现行的法律规定和司法实践,在现阶段不适宜取消商品房预售制度基础上对预购人的权益保护进行研究探讨,为完善现有的商品房预售制度提供素材和视角。

【Abstract】 Commercial house preselling is a new system coming from in ninety decades. Relative to finished house sale, it belongs to unfinished house sale. It is advantage to developer with faintish capital, because developer can sell unfinished house and get exploitative capital from buyer, so he can start-up a big building with less money. On the other hand, it is good to buyer who can buy house with fixing price and eliminate their worry to the uncertain future. For Real Estate develop need plenty of money, developer need raise money through some way, so commercial house preselling become a normal way to raise money. It is used in Shenzhen、Zhuhai areas first and popular in different areas in China. It is proved that this way is not only benefit to raise money, do business well, elude risk, but also to expansion and consummate capacity and content of Real Estate market. Operating of Commercial house preselling spur to enlarge the bound of supply and demand, also allure demos to participate. It is good to Real Estate develop, improve demos housing condition and keep property value.Otherwise, in the both side relationship of commercial house preselling, they have different posture from the bargaining of chattel and the immediately bargaining of estate. Commercial house preselling has some characteristic of long bargaining cycle, poor predictability, high value object, multilateral preselling contract sides and affected by the central government. In order to purse profit, developer will harm buyer using their economic, status, information etc. During commercial house preselling, Dissension is going on because buyer has not enough knowledge to commercial house market, actual law and rules are faultiness. Furthermore, buyer has not enough strength to avoid and stop illegal action of developer with actual law during commercial house preselling. Their right cannot get abundant almsgiving and guarantee, it is very extrusive of protect of commercial house consumer’s right. The paper study how to protect buyer’s right in the commercial house preselling and hope to offer fodder and point of view to make the commercial house preselling system perfect On the base of not to cancel the preselling system and link to our country law and judicatory practice.

  • 【分类号】D922.29;D923.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】693