

Establishment of Regeneration System of Mature Embryo and Anatomical Research of Elytrigia

【作者】 鲍芫

【导师】 米福贵;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 草畜种质资源学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以长穗偃麦草、中间偃麦草及其种间杂交种为材料,以成熟胚为外植体,研究了不同培养基、接种方式和低温处理时间对偃麦草愈伤组织诱导的影响,探讨了基因型、激素配比和活性炭浓度与愈伤组织分化间的相互关系。试验结果表明:1)接种时,成熟胚的放置方式应以胚朝上,盾片接触培养基为宜。与胚朝下的接种方式相比,前一种方法可有效提高出愈率。2)4℃低温处理种子对愈伤组织的诱导有一定作用,作用大小依品种、处理时间长短而异。长穗偃麦草和中间偃麦草经4℃低温处理5小时后,出愈率可分别提高到95.55﹪和89.98﹪。3)通过各种培养基的比对研究,筛选出适于长穗偃麦草成熟胚培养的最适培养基,其中用于愈伤组织的诱导培养基为MS+CH(500mg/L)+2,4-D(3.0mg/L)+6-BA(0.1mg/L);继代培养基为MS+CH(500mg/L)+2,4-D(2.0mg/L)+6-BA(0.5mg/L);分化培养基为MS+CH(500mg/L)+6-BA(4.0mg/L)+NAA (0.5mg/L)。4)适于中间偃麦草成熟胚培养的相关培养基如下:愈伤组织诱导培养基为MS+CH(500mg/L) + 2,4-D(2.0mg/L) +6-BA(0.1mg/L) ;继代培养基为MS +CH(500mg/L) + 2,4-D(2.0mg/L) +6-BA(0.2mg/L) ;分化培养基为MS +CH(500mg/L)+6-BA(3.0mg/L)+NAA(0.5mg/L)5)适于杂种成熟胚培养的相关培养基为:愈伤组织诱导培养基MS+CH(500mg/L)+ 2,4-D(1.0mg/L) + 6-BA(0.2mg/L) ;继代培养基MS + CH(500mg/L) +2,4-D(2.0mg/L) + 6-BA(0.2mg/L) ;分化培养基MS + CH(500mg/L) +6-BA(4.0mg/L)+NAA(0.5mg/L)+AC(4g/L)本试验还对三种偃麦草根部和叶片的解剖结构进行了分析,发现三种偃麦草根与叶的结构基本一致,但表现出各自的结构特点。如杂交种根中通道细胞较多,叶片角质层较厚。

【Abstract】 The study in this paper using mature embryos of E.elongata、E.intermedia and Elytrigia hybrid (E.elongata X E.intermedia) as explant , cultivate them in different culture medium,way of inoculate and processing time of 4℃to find how to effect the growth of callus, and to find the correlation between genotypes, hormone ,AC and callus differentiation . The results were as follows:(1) The best way of inoculate mature embryos was: placed embryo upwards and made the scutellum tounched medium completely. This way was propitious to the frequency of callus induction.(2) Treating seeds at low temperature 4℃had certain effect on callus induction, the effect depended on varieties and treatment time. The treating for 5days was suitable for E.elongata、E.intermedia, and their callus frequency reached 98.51% and 89.66% respectively.(3) The feasible medium of E.elongataThe callus inducing medium: MS+CH(500mg/L)+2,4-D(3.0mg/L)+6-BA(0.1 mg/L);Subculture medium: MS+CH(500mg/L)+2,4-D(2.0mg/L)+6-BA(0.5mg/L); Differentiation medium: MS+CH(500mg/L)+6-BA(4.0mg/L)+NAA (0.5mg/L).(4) The feasible medium of E.intermediaThe callus inducing medium: MS+CH(500mg/L)+2,4-D(2.0mg/L)+6-BA(0.1 mg/L);Subculture medium: MS+CH(500mg/L)+2,4-D(2.0mg/L)+6-BA(0.2 mg/L); Differentiation medium: MS+CH(500mg/L)+6-BA(3.0mg/L)+NAA (0.5mg/L).(5) The feasible medium of Elytrigia hybrid (E.elongata X E.intermedia) The callus inducing medium: MS+CH(500mg/L)+2,4-D(1.0mg/L)+6-BA(0.2 mg/L);Subculture medium: MS+CH(500mg/L)+2,4-D(2.0mg/L)+6-BA(0.2mg/L ); Differentiation medium: MS+CH(500mg/L)6-BA(4.0mg/L)+NAA (0.5mg/L) +AC(4g/L).The other study in this paper is about anatomic structure analysis of roots and leaves of Elytrigia which have nearly same structure but different character. For example, in the roots of Elytrigia hybrid (E.elongata X E.intermedia) there are more passage cells, and in the leaves, the cuticles are thicker.

  • 【分类号】S543
  • 【被引频次】2
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