

Study on the Coincidence of Medical Damage Liability

【作者】 王越

【导师】 蒲川;

【作者基本信息】 重庆医科大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 由于医疗行为主要是基于医患之间存在医疗合同而发生的,患者所受的损害是医方的债务不履行所导致。同时,不得非法侵害他人的人身及财产利益,乃是一项法定义务,因医方的债务不履行而导致患者人身和财产的损害,实际上也违反了不得非法侵害他人人身及财产权利这项法定义务,从而构成侵权,即为医疗损害违约责任和侵权责任的竞合。在医疗损害赔偿中,违约责任和侵权责任竞合的情况下,受害人行使请求权的不同,对医疗过失行为人承担何种责任,将产生不同的法律后果。然而现行关于医疗损害赔偿责任的法律适用存在着较大的冲突,同时,由于我国对医疗损害领域的研究比较薄弱,有关医疗损害的赔偿的民事立法至今尚未出台,缺乏统一明确的法律规定,有关论述大多针对司法实践中的具体问题展开,因而造成医疗损害赔偿问题在理论认识上分歧很大,在司法实践中标准掌握不一,影响了国内的司法统一和对当事人合法权益的保护。本文从民法基本理论角度出发对医疗损害责任竞合问题进行深入探讨,从医疗损害和责任竞合两个角度展开,广泛借鉴法国、德国、日本、英美,以及我国台湾地区医疗损害民事责任竞合的学说和立法例,作比较法上的考察。根据当代违约和侵权责任日益融合的趋势和各国对医疗专家责任研究的思路,结合中国处理医疗损害的实践,提出立法建议。

【Abstract】 The coincidence of medical damage liability means that medical malpractice runs counter to the promise between doctors and patients and infringes the legal rights of patients. Two kinds of different legal regulations entitle the victim two kinds of different right of claim. To choose anyone will bring about different results. In current legal system, the responsibilities of medical damages are being greater conflict. And there are no civil legislative adjustments concerning about it so far. we are short of study with comparative law in operating legally practical problems. For this reason, there are great divergences of the understanding on medical damage which hinders the domestic legally unity and the protecting of one’s original interest.This text begins with the fundamental theory of civil law and deeply investigates the existing doctrines and legislative precedents in the continental and common legal family for reference to define the connotation of medical damage. According to the trend of fusion between the liability for breach of contract and liability for tort and the study of professional responsibility of doctors, the text puts legislation visualization of concurrence.

  • 【分类号】R-051
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】143