

The Experience of Professor Ling Changquan in Treating Primary Liver Cancer

【作者】 孙振

【导师】 凌昌全;

【作者基本信息】 第二军医大学 , 中西医结合临床, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:探索中医专家经验继承的方法,初步总结凌昌全教授临床论治原发性肝癌的学术经验及思想。方法:构建肝癌结构化信息采集数据库,门诊收集552例(计2088人次)肝癌患者病历数据并录入数据库,运用频数法、聚类分析、Logist回归分析、典型相关分析等数理手段对数据进行分析处理,归纳总结凌教授辨治肝癌的辨证特色、用药特点,在上述基础上总结凌教授的学术思想。结果:归纳总结出教授四诊特点包涵6个特点;辨证特色包涵3个特点。用药特色包涵6个特点。在上述基础上,对凌教授论治肝癌的学术思想进行了初步总结。结论:本研究在数理分析的基础上,对凌昌全教授的临床论治肝癌经验和学术思想进行了初步总结;本研究可对当前的中医学术经验继承和总结研究提供一定的借鉴。

【Abstract】 Objectives:To explore the method of the inheritance of the TCM expert expertise, summarize preliminary the experience of professor Ling Changquan in treatingPrimary Hepatic Carcinoma. Methods: The specialized Microsoft Access Database of Primary Hepatic Carcinoma was constructed,a total of 552 (to amount to 2088 man-time )medical records of PHC in OPD of Changhai hospital were collected, and enterd the database then all the data were analyzed by the statistical methods including the frequency method, Cluster analysis,Logistic regression,Canonical correction analysis, etc,and from the differences and correlations we drawed professor Ling Changquan ’s clinical experiences in treating Primary Hepatic Carcinoma disease, including the characteristic of diagnosis based on the over all analysis of symptoms and signs and the feature of using drugs,from all the above,we finally summarized the learning thought of Professor Ling . Results:we drawed the feature of four methods of examination including six main points; we drawed a summary whe ProfessorLingdiagnosing and curing , that include three main points ; we drawed a summary of feature from the experience in using herbs ,that include six main points. On the bases, the learing thought of Professor Ling was drawedinitially.Conclusions:This study summarized initially The experience of professor Ling Changquan in treating Primary Hepatic Carcinoma on the bases of data statistical analysis; This research can provide some beneficial help for the current study to the summary and inheritance of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  • 【分类号】R249;R273
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】370