

Test of Allergy Induced by Classical Swine Fever Vaccine on Guinea Pig

【作者】 张敏

【导师】 何昭阳;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 预防兽医学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 变态反应指机体受某一抗原物质刺激后产生的一种异常或病理性免疫反应,又称过敏反应,超敏反应。通常表现为某一组织或器官,甚至全身性的强烈反应,引起各式各样的功能障碍。Ⅰ型变态反应是临床较为常见的一种变态反应,又称速发型变态反应。在生产实践中,给家畜注射疫苗时,常引发突然死亡的现象。特别是猪瘟疫苗的注射,由于注射次数最多,免疫频率最高,而常发生猪只的猝死现象。有报道推测此现象是猪瘟疫苗引起的Ⅰ型变态反应,本试验引入具过敏体质的豚鼠为实验动物模型,通过临床模拟免疫猪瘟牛睾丸细胞苗后变态反应的发生,从而从实验的角度更加科学直观地证明了此观点。猪瘟牛睾丸细胞苗的成分中可能引起变态反应的成分为牛睾丸细胞、猪瘟病毒和犊牛血清,而其他成分均不符合致敏原是完全抗原或半抗原的条件。为了找到疫苗中引起变态反应的真正过敏原,本试验进行了猪瘟疫苗中主要可能过敏原的分组试验,通过临床观察是否引起变态反应或引起变态反应程度的大小来证明疫苗中的过敏原。影响变态反应的因素很多,除了过敏原、机体体质等主要因素外,激发途径也是一个重要因素。本试验进行了四种致敏和激发途径的比较试验,从而找到引起全身性变态反应的主要途径。同时,还测定了致敏和激发后体内IgE抗体水平,为进一步研究变态反应的发生发展打下基础。试验结果表明:(1)本研究成功地引入了豚鼠作为猪瘟疫苗变态反应的实验动物模型,证明了免疫猪瘟疫苗可能引起变态反应的发生。分组试验表明致变态反应的程度为犊牛血清最为强烈,猪瘟病毒次之,牛睾丸细胞最弱。(2)本试验通过对不同致敏和激发途径的比较,表明各种注射途径均可致敏,但激发时,以静脉注射最为严重。(3)试验中应用ELISA法检测致敏和激发后血清中IgE的水平,未能检测到血清中的IgE水平与对照组相比有明显差异。

【Abstract】 Allergy, as well as named anaphylaxis or hypersensitivity, is abnormal or pathological immunization reaction when organism is stimulated by some antibody. It often displays violent responses of some tissues or organs, even system, and revoke various functional disturbance. TypeⅠallergy, as well as called immediate hypersensitivity, is often encountered in clinic. In practice, there were some unexpected deaths when animal were injected vaccine, especially injected CSF vaccine. Some reports inferred this phenomenon was typeⅠallergy which was caused by CSF vaccine. This research introduced guinea-pigs which were easily to stimulate as experiment animal models. Through clinical simulation of allergy after injecting CSF bovine testicle cell vaccine, we certified this idea exactly. Bovine testicle cell, CSFV and calf serum can arouse allergy in CSF vaccine, and this kind of substance must be antigen or haptene. To look for the real allergen in CSF vaccine, the allergy tests aimed to main ingredients of CSF vaccine were conducted. Through clinical observation whether or not to revoke allergy or degree of allergy, allergen was certificated. Allergy is affected by a great of factors. In addition to allergen and body constitution, provocation ways are also important factor. In order to find the main way which can cause systemic allergy, comparison tests of four injection ways of sensitization and stimulation were carried out in our test. At the same time the levels of serum IgE were measured by ELISA after sensitization and stimulation. These can be used as foundation for study allergy further.The tests results as follows: (1)This research introduced guinea-pigs as experiment animal models successfully. It proved that CSF vaccine may cause allergy. Group experiments revealed that calf serum was the most important allergen, classical swine fever virus was the second and the bovine testicle cell was the last. (2)Through comparison of different injection ways of sensitization and stimulation, it showed that all injection ways could cause sensitization, but only the intravenous injection induced serious allergy when stimulated. (3)IgE were measured by ELISA after sensitization and stimulation. Compared with the control group, there was no significant difference on the levels of serum IgE.

【关键词】 猪瘟疫苗变态反应豚鼠IgE
【Key words】 CSF vaccineallergyguinea pigIgE
  • 【分类号】S852.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】90