

Studies on Taxonomy of the Powdery Mildews from Northeast China

【作者】 杨丽丽

【导师】 刘淑艳;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着电子显微技术和分子生物学技术在白粉菌研究中的应用,有关白粉菌的属级分类系统发生了很大的变化,与传统观点相比,现在认为白粉菌丰富的形态特征存在于其无性态中,而有性世代在属级分类上已经不是重要特征了,但在种的划分上提供了有用的依据。对于全面,实际的鉴定工作来说,白粉菌的无性型和有性型特征都应当考虑进去。东北地区是白粉病的多发地区,有关整个东北地区的白粉菌一直没有系统报道,仅是零散的报道,较为集中的是对吉林省白粉菌的报道。本文将无性型与有性型相结合并依据新的分类系统对东北地区白粉菌的种类进行了研究。通过对现有200多份标本的初步整理和鉴定,发现产生有性型的白粉菌分布在21个科44个属63个种和变种植物上,本文鉴定到种的白粉菌有35个种和变种,它们隶属于新分类系统中的3个属。其中8个为东北地区新记录种,分别是:菜豆叉丝单囊壳Podosphaera astragali Junell var.phaseoli.(Z.Y.Zhao)U.Braun & S.Takamatsu、绣线菊叉丝单囊壳Podosphaera minor Hacke.、长丝白粉菌Erysiphe longissima(M.Y.Li)U.Braun & S.Takamatsu、防己白粉菌Erysiphe pseudolonicerae(Homma)U.Braun & S.Takamatsu、小檗生白粉菌Erysiphe berberidicola(F.L.Tai)U.Braun & S.Takamatsu、漆树白粉菌Erysiphe verniciferae(P.Henn.)U.Braun、冷水花白粉菌Erysiphe pileae(Jacz.)Bunk.ex Braun、梓树白粉菌Erysiphe catalpea Simon;2个为吉林省新记录种,分别为:刺槐白粉菌Erysiphe robiniae(Tai.)U.Braun & S.Takamatsu、图拉斯叉钩丝壳Sawadaia tulasnei(Fuck.)Homma;11个为中国白粉菌新记录寄主植物,分别为:菱叶绣线菊Spiraea Vonhouttei(Briot)Zebel.、小檗Berberis thunbergii DC.、透茎冷水花Pilea mongolica Wedel.、白牛槭Acer mandshuricum Maxim.、长药景天Sedum spectabile Boreau、齿叶铁线莲Clematis serratifolia Rehd.、大叶铁线莲Clematis heracleifolia DC.、朝鲜丁香Syringa dilatata Nakai、楔叶绣线菊Spiracea canescens D.Don、柳叶绣线菊spiracea salicifolia L.、榆叶梅Prunus triloba Lindl.;4个为东北地区新记录寄主植物,分别为蝙蝠葛Menispermum dauricum DC.、两型豆Amphicarpaea trisperma Bak.、防风Saposhnikovia divaricata(Truca.)Schischk.、角蒿Incarvillea sinensia Lam.;2个为东北地区新记录寄主植物,分别为:辽藁本Ligusticum jeholense Nakai et Kitag.、山芹独活Angelica miqueliana Maxim.。

【Abstract】 The taxonomic study of powdery mildews used to basing on the morphology ofcleistothecia in the past more than one century, but in recent decades, with electron microscopetechnique and molecular biology technique is applied in the studies of powdery mildews, thetaxonomic system is being changed. The powdery mildew is common in Northeast China, butisn’t reported systematically except for few papers. Among these studies, the reports of powderymildews from Jilin province are systematic.In this paper, the species of powdery mildews (Erysiphales) were treated according to thenew taxonomic system. The results showed that powdery mildews were widespread and commonin Northeast China, and more than 100 collections have been collected and studied. Themorphology of 35 species has been described, which belong to 3 genera and parasitizing on 61host plants. There were 8 new records powdery mildews of Northeast, Podosphaera astragaliJunell var. phaseoli.(Z.Y.Zhao) U.Braun &S.Takamatsu,Podosphaera minor (Hacke.) U. Braun& S.Takamatsu,Erysiphe longissima (M.Y.Li) U.Braun & S.Takamatsu, Erysiphepseudolonicerae (Homma) U.Braun & S.Takamatsu, Erysiphe berberidicola (Tai) U.Braun &S.Takamatsu,Erysiphe verniciferae (P.Henn.)U.Braun,Erysiphe pileae ((Jacz.) Bunk.ex Braun)S.Takamatsu, Erysiphe catalpea (Simon) S.Takamatasu; and 2 new records of Jilin Province,Erysiphe robiniae (Tai) U.Braun & S.Takamatsu,Sawadaia tulasnei (Fuck.) Homma.There were 11 new record host plants of China, Spiraea Vonhouttei(Briot) Zebel., Berberisthunbergii, Pilea mongolica Wedel., Acer mandshuricum Maxim., Sedum spectabile Boreau,Clematis serratifolia Rehd., Clematis heracleifolla DC., Syringa dilatata Nakai, Spiraceacanescens D.Don, spiracea salicifolia L., Prunus triloba Lindl; 6 new record host plants ofNortheast, Menispermum dauricum.DC., Amphicarpaea trisperma Bak., Saposhnikoviadivaricata (Truca.)Schischk., Incarvillea sinensia Lam., Ligusticum jeholense Nakai et Kitag.,Angelica miaueliana Maxim.

  • 【分类号】Q939
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