

Study on the Principle of Non Bis in Idem in Criminal Procedure Law

【作者】 陈建辉

【导师】 刘梅湘;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 刑事案件的发生导致立案、侦查乃至诉讼的提起,被告人可能最终被法院依法宣判有罪或无罪。然而,为了维护法律的尊严、判决的权威、抑制司法腐败和保障被告人的合法权益,世界上许多国家在刑事诉讼法典中规定“同一被告不能因其同一犯罪行为而受到两次以上的审判和科刑,即一事不再理原则”,而且一些国家将其上升到了宪法的高度。与此同时,随着人权意识的提高、程序独立价值的突出,该原则逐渐被一些国际性法律文件所吸收,从而成为了一项国际刑事司法准则。起源于古罗马“一案不二讼”和“既决案件”的一事不再理原则源远流长,最后衍生成了大陆法系既判力式的一事不再理和英美法系禁止双重危险式的一事不再理原则。基于它们法律文化传统和价值理念的不同,两大法系虽然在一事不再理原则上表现出了不同的侧重,但是在尊重程序独立的内在价值和保障被告人的正当权利方面却是如出一辙。长期以来,受“重实体、轻程序”的司法传统和畸形价值取向的影响,我国不但在刑事诉讼法典中未确立一事不再理原则,而且在刑事司法实践中更是避之不及。然而,随着近年来我国“依法治国”方略的提出、司法改革的进一步推进和刑事诉讼理念的转变,确立一事不再理原则的时机已经成熟。笔者主张,我国在确立该原则时应该结合本国的具体国情,采取“以大陆法系为主、英美法系为辅”的立法模式进行修改,同时对相关制度加以改革使之更能配合一事不再理原则的运行。笔者相信,这样的话,一事不再理原则保护被告人正当权益的初衷定能更好地实现。

【Abstract】 Happening of criminal cases will trigger out the operation of registering, detection and even being prosecuted, so the accused will be convicted or acquitted by the courts in the light of laws in the end. However, in order to maintain the dignity of law and authority of judgement , oppress corruption of justice and protect the lawful rights and benefits of the defendants, the same defendant can not be judged and penalized beyond twice because of his or her own same offense , i.e. the principle of Non Bis In Idem has been prescribed in many countries’criminal procedure law in the world, and even some nations have provided the principle in their own constitution. At the same time, with the increase of sense of human rights and the importance of independent value of procedure, the principle of Non Bis In Idem has been absorbed in some international legal documents and then become an international norm of criminal justice. The principle of Non Bis In Idem that originated from the system of“one record will not bring a case to court twice”and“result of the fixed case”in the ancient Rome law has a long history and finally developed into the principle of Non Bis In Idem on the basis of fixation of cases in Continent Law System and the one on the basis of protection against double jeopardy in Common Law System. The two genealogies of law attach more importance to different terms according to their various legal culture convention and value ideas, but have the same result and goal in the two scopes of respecting the independent inner value of procedure and securing proper interests of the accused.The principle of Non Bis In Idem was not set up in our country’s Criminal Procedure Law or avoided in judicial practice as possibly for a long period of time with the influence of judicial customs of emphasizing entity and despising procedure and abnormal value orientation. But the time for fixing the principle of Non Bis In Idem is almost ripe with putting forward of rule by law , propelling in a greater degree of judicial reform and transference of criminal lawsuit ideas in China in the recent years. The author holds that we should revise our country’s Criminal Procedure Law according to the legislation mode of Continent Law System first, Common Law System second meanwhile considering concrete national status, and we also should reform the relevant regulations and rules to made the principle of Non Bis In Idem operate better. The author believes, if so, the original goal that the principle protects legitimate interests of the defendant must be realized.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】227