

The Study of Gukuang

【作者】 黄皓峰

【导师】 余恕诚; 胡传志;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪以来,对唐代大历至贞元之际著名诗人顾况的研究有了较大的发展。但在研究过程中,仍然存在着一些问题,如一些较为可疑的轶事传闻被直接当作“信史”来引用、论证论点;对其文章的研究也明显不足等。因而,本文拟在前贤的研究基础上,对顾况的生平进行考订,并对其思想、诗文创作、文学理论等方面进行系统地研究与论述。对顾况的生平,本文以王启兴、张虹所著《顾况诗注·前言》为基础,参考前贤论述,以“补正”的形式叙一己之心得;并对顾况具有“怪异绘画方式”之事提出质疑。而顾况的思想是以道教思想为基调的。在此基础上,他吸收了佛教中的部分思想来为己所用,与道教思想一起为自己构建一片精神上的家园;而对儒家思想的吸收则是环境因素与个人因素共同作用所导致的必然,给诗人的思想留下了儒家的烙印。儒释道三教对诗人思想都有影响。顾况的诗歌创作呈现出了“奇俗”而又关注现实的特色,其文章成就不高,但有着较高的史料价值。儒家的文学观在顾况的文学思想中占有着重要地位,但他的文学观也并非只单纯体现了儒家文学观点,而是显得驳而不纯,并且在理论与实践的一致性上还有着一定距离。

【Abstract】 In the 20th century , the study of the famous poet Gukuang whose major creation period was between Dali and Zhenyuan of Tang Dynasty have got greater development. But in the study process, there are still some problems, for example, some suspicious anecdotes is directly regarded as "true historical record"; the study of his articles is also obvious insufficiency. So this paper on the study foundation of former acting researcher will examine the life stories of Gukuang, and is going to study his thoughts, works creation and literature thoughts systematicly .For the life stories of Gukuang, this paper takes Preface of the Note for Gukuang poem written by Wangqixing and Zhanghong as foundation with the form of "the supplement of textual" to express the viewpoints, and to put forward query to Gukuang’s "weird painting method".The thoughts of Gukuang take religion of the Taoism as keynote. On this foundation, he absorb the partial thoughts in the Buddhism, with Taoism, to found home of spirit for himself. But the absorption of the Confucianist is the necessity that environmental and personal factors taking affect together, having left the brand of the Confucianist to the thoughts of the poet. The Confusianism, the Buddhist and the Taoism all have the influence to the thoughts of Gukuang.The poem creation of Gukuang have presented the characteristic of "oddness with common" and social-minded. His articles’ achievement is not high, but the value of historical data are very important.The literature criticism theory of the Confucianist plays an important role in the literature thought of Gukuang, but his literature thoughts is not embodied the literature viewpoint of the Confucianist merely. They are very heterogeneous, and his theory is not unified with his practice.

【关键词】 顾况生平思想创作文学观
【Key words】 Gukuanglife storiesthoughtsworks creationliterature thoughts
  • 【分类号】K242;I207.22
  • 【下载频次】153