

Design and Development of CAI Courseware of Basic Operation of Chemistry Experiment

【作者】 安显伟

【导师】 廖莉玲;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在全面调查和研究计算机辅助教学发展状况的基础上,分析了当前化学实验教学的不足,讨论了应用计算机来辅助化学实验教学的各种优势,从而明确了研究和开发计算机辅助化学实验多媒体课件的重要性和必要性。本文对计算机辅助教学多媒体课件的开发进行了比较全面、系统的研究,化学实验基本操作多媒体课件的开发是本论文研究的重点。结合实际教学需要,我们认真分析了基础化学实验课程中的化学实验基本操作部分,制作成多媒体课件,并在文中详细介绍了课件的设计与制作方法,从理论和制作技术上作了归纳总结。经过努力,我们开发出了具有实用价值的“化学实验基本操作”多媒体课件一套。本课件主要用Flash8.0制作而成。在应用方面,本课件成功实现了助教、助学的目的,既可供广大化学教师在应用计算机辅助化学实验教学时选用,又可作为化学相关专业学生自主学习及课后复习之用。本课件的设计制作,为以后进一步开发其它类型的教学课件积累了经验,也会对有志于进行化学实验课件研究和开发的教师有一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Based on the full-scale investigation on the development of CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction), this paper analyzes the shortage of the current chemistry experiment teaching and discusses the advantages of the CAI Courseware applied to the chemistry experiment, thus we confirm the importance and the necessity to research and develop the multi-media courseware of the computer simulation experiment.The development of multimedia CAI courseware is comprehensively and systematically researched in the article. The multi-media courseware of basic operation of chemistry experiment is key point in this article. Combining with the demand of the current teaching, we have earnestly analyzed basic operation of Chemistry experiment in foundation chemistry experiment course and developed multi-media courseware. We also introduce the design and the making method of the CAI multi-media courseware, and get a summary from the theories and the making techniques. Through working hard, we have developed a set multi-media courseware, the content of which cover all basic operation of Chemistry experiment. All the courseware is mainly developed by the Flash8.0. In the aspects of the application, the courseware will benefit both chemistry teacher and students. The courseware not only can be provided to the teachers as an assistant tool while they teaches the chemistry experiment, but also can be used by the students when they study and review the fundamental knowledge and the basic techniques of chemistry by themselves.Design and making courseware can be offer reference for teacher who is studying and developing chemical experiment courseware and it also provide experience to further develop other types of courseware.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【下载频次】240