

Development of Lead Acid Battery Monitoring System Based on LabVIEW

【作者】 高东

【导师】 李国锋;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 电工理论与新技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着通信、电子和能源技术的不断发展,蓄电池在民用和工业生产中的应用越来越广泛,作用也越来越重要。铅酸蓄电池由于具有性能良好、原材料丰富、价格低廉等特点,长期在蓄电池行业中独占鳌头。对铅酸蓄电池维护管理的不当将直接影响电池的使用效益和寿命,甚至损坏电池,严重情况下还会导致安全事故发生。通过在线监测蓄电池的工作参数,可以及时了解电池的工作状态、工作特性及电池的维护情况。因此,铅酸蓄电池在线监测系统的开发势在必行。目前,世界各国都在积极研究新型的铅酸蓄电池自动监测装置,以满足工农业生产、社会应用和国防建设的实际需要。虚拟仪器技术是利用PC机的强大运算能力、图形环境和在线帮助功能,建立起具有良好人机交互界面的虚拟仪器面板,实现对测试对象的控制,数据采集、分析和显示,同时具有良好的网络接口。本文基于虚拟仪器技术开发了一套实用的铅酸蓄电池自动监测系统,系统不仅实现了多回路电池实时自动监测,而且便于组建网络测试平台,实现信息的共享,符合现代化测试系统的发展方向。本文的主要工作包括以下几个方面:1.以虚拟仪器的设计思想,提出基于LabVIEW7.0的铅酸蓄电池在线自动监测系统;通过研究铅酸蓄电池的基本工作原理和电特性,得出系统的监测项目和指标。2.通过MAX程序对系统硬件进行配置和测试,选择合适的采集模式,合理分配采集通道,设定各通道的参数,提高系统的抗干扰能力。3.基于LabVIEW7.0完成上位机程序的编写,完成上位机与数据采集卡的通信以及系统各部分的集成。4.基于DataSocket技术,开发网络接口程序,实现网络浏览和远程控制,进而实现监测系统的网络化。

【Abstract】 With the development of communications, electronics and energy technologies, batteryis more and more used in civil and industry fields. Lead-acid battery is a most popular varietyfor a long time because of its good performance, rich primary material and low prices etc. Itwill directly affect its usage performance and life@an, if the lead-acid battery is notappropriate to be maintained. What’s worse, it may damage the battery and cause safetyaccidents. The battery’s working state, operating characteristic and maintaining condition canbe obtained by on-line monitoring battery’s working parameters. So, it is a trend to developon-line monitoring system for lead-acid battery.At present, most countries in the world are studying lead-acid battery’s automaticmonitoring devices to satisfy actual needs of industry, agriculture, social use and defenses.The Virtual Instruments is a new technology, which sets up a friendly man-machineinteractive interface by pc’s powerful data-handing ability, graph environment and on-lineaiding function. It can control the test object and realize data acquisition, analysis and display.It has a good network interface.A useful automatic monitoring system for lead-acid battery was developed in this paperbased on LabVIEW. It can real-time monitor multiloop batteries. It was convenient to set upnetwork to share information and was to development direction of modern test macro. Themain contents of the paper were as below:1. The monitoring system for lead-acid battery was presented based on VirtualInstruments and LabVIEW7.0. Monitoring items and indexes were educed by studyinglead-acid battery’s basic working principle and electrical properties.2. The configuration and test of hardware, such as selecting logical acquiring modes,assigning acquiring channels and configuring each channel’s parameters, were finished. All ofthese were to improve anti-jamming ability of the system. 3. The software programming of the IPC was completed based on LabVIEW7.0. Thecommunication between IPC and DAQ card was realized. All parts of the system wereintegrated.4. The network interface program was developed based on the DataSocket technology.The monitoring system can be remote accessed and remote controlled. Then, its networkingwas realized.

  • 【分类号】TM912;TP274.5
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】732