

Study on Afforestation System of the Green Construction

【作者】 张卫军

【导师】 徐永荣; 周志翔;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 18世纪以来,人们曾一度以工业化发展程度作为衡量经济强国的标准,即“把追求GDP的增加看作是建设经济强国的唯一目标与动力,以牺牲环境、破坏资源、危及后代生存为代价,达到经济高速发展”。这种传统的发展观,导致了全球性的环境和能源等危机,使得人类不得不重新审视自己的生活方式。在这种背景下,绿色建筑受到人们的关注。“为人类提供一个健康、舒适的活动空间,同时最高效率的利用资源,最低限度地影响环境的建筑物”是目前国际上比较认可的绿色建筑的定义。它是可持续发展战略在建筑设计领域内的具体运用和实践。具有节能、健康舒适和与自然融合三大特点的绿色建筑已在世界各地的各种类型的建筑中尝试和实施,在国内上海、重庆、北京等大城市也有一些成功应用的实例。但是目前国内系统的对绿化对绿色建筑环境的影响的研究较少,还没有专门针对绿色建筑绿化体系的研究,不能满足目前绿色建筑绿化发展的需求。上海市在2004年建成了绿色生态建筑示范楼,同时建有绿化示范区。本文以上海市为例,采用实测、专家咨询和植物资源信息库中提取资料相结合的方法,对绿色建筑绿化体系进行了研究,结果如下:(1)室外绿化植物群落的植物种类、层次结构不同对绿色建筑的室外环境影响不同,一般层次结构丰富,乔、灌、草盖度大的植物群落的生态功能发挥的较好,层次结构简单的草坪的生态效益较差,因此在绿化过程中如无特殊要求应尽量以乔、灌、草复层结构为主,而且在不同功能要求的地段应选择相应的功能性群落。(2)室内绿化能使室内CO2浓度平均降低8.1%、室内飘尘含量PM10平均降低61.6%,但对室内温湿度影响不大,在绿色建筑中应充分利用室内空间进行绿化。(3)屋顶绿化夏季可使屋顶外表面平均降低24.6℃,内表面平均降低5.4℃,冬季可使屋顶内外表面平均升高3℃左右。同时可使屋顶外表面空气相对湿度平均提高12.5%,有利于建筑的节能和健康舒适环境的营造。(4)距垂直绿化墙面0.2m的空气湿度平均比裸墙同距离高1%-1.9%,距墙0m空气湿度平均比裸墙同距离高6.7%-9.2%;距墙面0.2m温度平均比裸墙同距离低0.4℃-0.9℃,距墙0m温度平均比裸墙同距离低5.3℃-6.6℃;不同垂直绿化材料之间降温增湿能力相差不大;垂直绿化对室内温度影响效果上午不显著下午较明显。(5)利用层次分析法建立了绿色建筑绿化的评价指标体系和评价模型。(6)通过专家咨询得出了绿色建筑绿化评价体系的各级指标权重,其中生态功能和景观功能权重系数相差不大,说明人们对绿化植物生态效益的重视程度已达到了和景观效果相同的高度。(7)对上海生态办公示范楼和甘泉苑住宅小区绿化体系进行了评价,结果表明示范楼整体绿化体系评价分值为7.0属于高等级绿化体系,是适合绿色建筑的高质量绿化体系,但垂直绿化亟待加强和改善;甘泉苑住宅小区绿化体系评价分值为5.0属于一般等级绿化体系,无屋顶绿化,垂直绿化也急需加强和改善。(8)推荐了部分适合上海市绿色建筑绿化的植物种和一些功能性植物群落。建筑绿化的效益与绿色建筑的主题相一致,应充分利用建筑空间进行绿化。在建筑绿化时应根据不同的要求选择不同的植物,同时可以利用评价体系对建筑绿化效果进行评价,判断绿化的优劣并提出相应的改进建议。

【Abstract】 People regarded the increase of GDP as only goal of building up the economic powerful country since 18th century. And this caused environment and resources of the earth to be destroyed. The mankind have to scrutinize their life style. The green construction is attention by people, in this background. It is the application of the "Sustainable development" in architecture. The green construction is being attemptted and implemented in many place of the word. There are successful applications in some big city of China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and so on. But the research about influence of afforestation to the green construction is not enough. And there are not special research to the afforestation of green construction yet. This obviously cannot satisfy with the demand of afforestation development of green construction in China, at present. A ecology demonstration building and afforestation had been built up at Shanghai in 2004. So we take Shanghai as an example to study the afforestation system of the green construction.From the paper we draw some conclusion as follows:(1) Different flora of outdoors afforestation have different effect to the green construction. The plant community have more ecology benefit which structure is more complex. We should choose the corresponding community in the different function request.(2) The room afforestation can make CO2 density of room reduce by 8.1% and the room dust PM10 reduce by 61.6%, equally, but temperature decrease and humidity increase ability are not remarkable. Room should be fully utilize to afforestation.(3) Roof afforestation can equally make the outer surface of roof reduce by 24.6℃and the interior surface reduces by 5.4℃in summer, and can make roof internal and external surface rise about 3℃in winter. And it can also equally make roof outer surface air humidity raise by 12.5%. It is favorable to the energy-conserving of construction and the set up of the healthy and comfortable environment(4) The construction vertical greening can obviously improve the microclimate around the construction wall, and can reduce the construction indoor temperature effectively in the afternoon, but not prominent in the morning.(5) A appraisal system of green construction afforestation is set up which can evaluate the afforestation system of construction.(6) Weight coefficient of appraisal system is obtained. Ecology function and the landscape function weight coefficient are consistent, It indicates that people have the same attitude toward plant ecology benefit and plant landscape benefit. (7) We use appraisal system to evaluate the afforestation system of Shanghai ecology demonstration office building and Ganquan updown. It indicates that the demonstration office afforestation system belongs to the high-grade and Ganquan updown afforestation system belongs to the generic-grade afforestation system.(8) We recommend a lot of plant which suit to green construction afforestation in Shanghai and some plant community of outdoors afforestation.The building afforestation is conform with theme of the green construction. So we should utilize space of building to afforestation fully. Different plant and community should be chose basis on the different demand. Appraisal system can be used to judge the quality of afforestation and put the improvable suggestion.

【关键词】 绿化绿色建筑园林植物评价
【Key words】 AfforestationThe green constructionLandscape plantEvaluation
  • 【分类号】TU985
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1278