

The Study on Design of Recreational Space in Forest Park

【作者】 杨静

【导师】 高翅;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着生活水平的提高,闲暇时间的增多,长期居住在喧闹城市中的人们,逐渐热衷于山林野趣的寻觅,森林公园在一定程度上满足了人们回归自然的愿望。如何根据森林环境特点,创造多样性的游憩空间便成为森林公园规划设计的重要任务之一。论文综合运用文献查阅、实地调查、比较分析、归纳总结和实践检验的方法,对森林公园游憩空间规划设计进行了初步探讨。首先对森林游憩空间进行了解析和界定,重点从森林公园游憩空间要素、游憩空间空间结构与形态、游憩空间特征、游憩空间活动类型四个方面对森林公园游憩结构空间进行了分析与论述,在此基础上,提出了整体性、本土化、生态化、人性化、艺术化和参与性等森林公园游憩空间设计的原则,并以湖北省西塞国森林公园规划设计实践为例,从基址分析、目标定位、空间结构布局、植被规划、道路与游线组织等方面论述了游憩空间的营造途径。

【Abstract】 In today’s fast development of travel industry, as people’s living standard isincreasing, they are having more and more spare time. For people are living in thecrowded city, they no longer satisfy with the normal gardening tours. They prefer to havethe exciting out breaker exploring more. Therefore having the tour in the forest park andgetting back to the nature are becoming new trends.This article discusses the theory of recreational space design in forest parks, usingthe techniques of literature researching, field survey, compare analysts, summarizing andthe practices. Based on these, this article has briefed the concept of tour resting. Also itintroduces and analyzes the recreational space elements, recreational space structure andforms, recreational space features and recreational space activities, the four parts of forestpark. At last, it proposes a feasibility design, guidance and way of constructing ofrecreational spaces in forest parks which have been applied to the Xisaiguo Forest Park inYichang, Hubei. The above mentioned is the first step of studies on design of recreationalspace in forest parks which may provide some references.

  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】10
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