

Study on Pathology of Selenium Deficiency in Juvenile Carps

【作者】 彭成卓

【导师】 汪开毓;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验选择体重10.0±3.0g健康幼鲤480尾,随机分为4组,每组3个重复,分别饲喂0、0.15、0.30、0.45mg/kg硒(以亚硒酸钠形式)的四种饵料,对硒缺乏幼鲤进行了生长性能、病理学以及血液学的研究。经30周的试验,结果表明:硒缺乏极显著地降低幼鲤生长性能(p<0.01),各试验组幼鲤发病率和死亡率与饵料中硒含量呈负相关,其发病率分别为46.7%、33.3%、13.3%和0;死亡率分别为26.7%、16.7%、6.7%和0。病鱼表现特征性的“瘦背病”和脊柱弯曲症状。病理剖解可见背部两侧肌肉萎缩变薄,呈刀刃状,体侧红肌纤维退色变白,呈白肌肉外观。肝脏肿大,表面可见少量散在的灰白色坏死灶。脾脏肿大、充血、出血。组织病理学上最突出的变化为白肌病,营养性肝病,胰腺的变性、坏死等。骨骼肌纤维细胞变性、坏死、溶解、消失。心肌纤维细胞肿胀、变性,肝细胞变性、坏死,甚至发生溶解消失,胰腺腺泡变性、坏死。脾出血,淋巴细胞大量减少,黑素巨噬细胞中心增多。肾小管上皮细胞肿胀、变性。神经细胞肿胀,变性。超微结构上表现为骨骼肌纤维、肝细胞和肾小管上皮细胞线粒体肿胀,嵴断裂,溶解,囊泡化;脾窦充血,淋巴细胞大量减少。血液学上红细胞数、血红蛋白含量和IgM抗体水平都显著降低,白细胞数量和红细胞脆性显著增加,幼鲤谷草转氨酶(AST)、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性升高,血清GSH-Px、SOD、CAT活性降低,血清MDA含量升高。

【Abstract】 480 juvenile common carps(Cyprinus carpio) with initial body weight about10.3 g were randomly divided into 4 groups with 3 replicates and 40 carps per replicate, and were fed purified diets supplemented with selenium (Se, NaSeO3, AR) 0、0.15、0.30、0.45 mg/kg respectively for 30 weeks. By establishing experimental model of carps with selenium deficiency, growth performance、the pathology and hematology and were studied. The results indicated that the growth performance of juvenile carps were cut down extreme remarkably (p<0.01), the morbidity and mortality were 46.7%, 33.3%, 13.3%, 0 and 26.7%, 16.7%, 6.7%, 0 respectively。The carps fed selenium deficient diet showed thin back disease and lordosis.Anatomical pathology showed the muscle at the both side of the carps back became thin and looked like knife blade, muscular dystrophy and white muscle. The liver and spleen were swollen with hyperemia and hemorrhage. The examination of histopathology showed nutritional muscular dystrophy, hepatosis, degeneration and necrosis of pancreas. The skeletal muscles showed degeneration, necrosis and muscular atrophy. The cardiac muscle fiber cells showed swelling and degeneration. The liver cells showed degeneration and necrosis, even disappeared. The pancreas follicle showed degeneration and necrosis. The spleen showed haemorrhage, lymphocyte were reduced, mdelano macrophagocyte center increased. The renal tubular epithelial cells showed swollen and deteriorative. The neuron showed swollen and degeneration. In ultra-structure, the mitochondria of the skeletal muscle fiber, liver cells and renal tubular epithelial cells showed swelling, cristae collapsed dissolve with vesiculation, sinus of spleen showed Expanding and lymphocyte were reduced. In hematology, erythrocyte haemoglobin quantity and IgM were reduced, leukocyte quantity and erythrocyte fragility increased, MDA, AST, ALT and LDH in serum increased, but. the activities of GSH-px, SOD and CAT were decreased.

【关键词】 幼鲤缺乏病理学血液学生产性能
【Key words】 Juvenile carpseleniumdeficiencypathologyhematologygrowth performance
  • 【分类号】S943
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】106