

Two-Location One Step Injection Tyre Capsule Vulcanizing Machine

【作者】 杨福昌

【导师】 吕柏源;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 化工过程机械, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 早期的轮胎胶囊都是通过模压法压制而成的,这是一种传统的方法,其具有以下缺点:胶囊质量难以提高;生产效率低;工艺过程复杂;浪费能源;劳动强度大等。为了适应胶囊技术的进一步发展要求,越来越多的胶囊都将会采用注射成型法,因为它生产效率高,浪费少,能耗低,节省胶料,制品物理性能好。但是传统的注射法也同样存在着缺点:其工作过程是先塑化、定量,然后进行注射,是分两步完成的;注射装置结构复杂,加工困难,造价高。本设计针对传统胶囊成型方法存在的缺点进行了新的设计,完成了两工位轮胎胶囊一步法注射硫化机组的设计研究,提高了胶囊的质量,提高了生产效率,降低了能耗,节省了原材料和实现了文明生产,使轮胎胶囊生产技术将进入新的一页。本文在深入研究多工位注射工作原理和传统硫化设备构造优缺点的基础上,全新设计了一套两工位轮胎胶囊一步法注射硫化机组。全文通过理论推导建立了一步法注射成型装置和全电动硫化装置的功率消耗、受力变形及应力、应变等数学模型,并进行了大量的设计计算和有限元受力分析,对两工位轮胎胶囊一步法注射硫化机组进行了结构优化设计,为了保证结构的可行性和可靠性,对机台进行了三维仿真设计及工作过程动态模拟。本论文的主要工作与成果如下:1.首次设计了两工位轮胎胶囊一步法注射硫化机组。一套注射装置可与两台硫化装置实现两工位注射。通过优化设计使整机受力合理,变形小,工作可靠,同时结构紧凑,占地面积小,可用于大、中、小型胶囊制品的注射成型,克服了传统的转盘式、转角式多工位注射机的缺陷。这对今后轮胎胶囊多工位注射成型技术的设计、研究与应用将产生深远的影响。2.首次设计下注的注射方法,即注射口和流道系统设置在下模下方,使胶料在模具中至下而上流动,克服了传统注射口在上、下模中间(胶囊分型面)注射时而引起的内芯模偏心、漏胶的弊端。3.本设计对电磁离合器和滚珠丝杠进行协调组合设计,解决了由于采用下注而引起脱模工艺改变(相对于传统的注射脱膜工艺)所产生的机械技术问题。4.首次设计了两工位的横向移动装置,采用高精度滚珠滑块导轨副和交流伺服电机,解决了整体机构在移动中实现高精度可靠定位的要求,同时解决了单工位注射机的胶料在注射完毕后在高温下容易硫化的问题,为一步法注射成型实现多工位成型工艺和提高效率奠定了基础。5.首次把一步法注射原理运用到两工位胶囊生产工艺中。实现了塑化、定量和注射的同步进行。克服了传统生产胶囊的一些弊端:胶囊质量差;浪费能源;生产效率低等。6.在注射结构设计上保证了一步法注射成型所需的高压注射,主要包括:增加螺杆的长径比;螺杆输送段采用小螺距;采用螺旋啮合增压装置;将轴承座设置在减速箱的前部,将减速箱的受拉改为受压,改善了减速箱的受力状况,以承受巨大的轴向力。7.设计了应用于轮胎胶囊硫化机的压力机构,这种压力机构采用螺旋副机构,其运动轨迹是垂直往复运动形式的。这种压力机构与先进的传感器数字技术结合,具有运行稳定可靠、对中精度高、往复性能好等优点,是轮胎胶囊硫化机设计的一大创新。8.运用了有限元分析进行辅助设计。对零部件结构设计的理论推导和有限元分析相结合,提高了设计合理性和可靠性。9.运用传统设计、三维仿真设计和过程动态模拟相结合的设计手段,充分体现了设计与制造同步的现代设计理念,缩短设计周期、降低设计成本,可在物理样机产生之前预先评估设计。

【Abstract】 Compression molding is a traditional method in order to produce early capsule. Ithas many disadvantages as fllows: the low quality of capsule; the low efficiency;complex technics process; wasting energy and high labor intension and so on. Moreand more tyre bladder will adopt the injection molding method in order to adapt themore development of it. It has many advantages: high production efficiency; less waste;saving material and high physics capability of capsule. But traditional injection methodhas many disadvantages: Its work has two processes. The first is plasticization andquantification. And the second is injection. The equipment used by the method isexpensive and has very complex structure. The paper has a new design according to thedisadvantages of traditional injection methods. So two-location one step injection tyrecapsule vulcanizing machine has been finished. It improvs the capsule quality andefficency; It saves energy and material. And it realize the civilization in the production.So production technique oftyre capsule has received the new day.The paper has deeply researched operation principle of two-location one stepinjection tyre capsule vulcanizing machine and merit and shortcoming of conventionalvacalnizing equipment. By theoretic deduce,building up the mathematics model ofconsuming power about multi-location injection molding machine, stress and strain,moreover, carrying out the relational design calculation and ANSYS analysis,havingdesigned completely new multi-location injection molding machine. Finally, for thesake of guaranting the feasibility and reliability of structure,the parameterizedthree-dimensional simulation design and dynamic process dynamic simulation ofmulti-location injection molding machine are used. The principally innovation ideas ofthe thesis as follows:1. First the whole structure of two-location one step injection tyre capsulevulcanizing machine is designed in the paper, which is proved that stress is reasonable,distortion is slight. It overcomes the shortcoming of conventional equipment,and carrys out high-capacity injection. This is a breakthrough in the multi-location injectiondesign.2. Underside injection is adopted first. It also means the injection nib and flowpassage are under of mould. Rubber matiaral flow from down to up in the mould. Themethod overcomes the eccentricity of inner mould which is aroused when injection nibis in the middle of mould(departing shape face).3. The machine use electric magnetic clutch and ball screw at the same time. Themethod slove the problem which is aroused by the change of injection nib(compared tothe traditional injection and demould technics).4. In this paper, two-diamensional moving equipment for multi-working spots isnewly designed. It adopt the high exact ball slide guide strip and AC servo-actuator. Itmeets the requirement of orientation credibility, and it solves the problem that therubber is prone to vulcanized while waiting next injection in single-working spot.5. First the principle of one step injection is managed in the process of capsuleproduction. It realize the synchronization of plasticization, quantification and injection.It also overcome many disadvantages of traditional production methods: low quality ofcapsule, wasting energy and low production efficiency and so on.6. The structure design, from which high injection pressure needed is guaranteed.It mainly include higher length diameter ratio, shorter pitch of screw in transfer zone,adopting intermeshing helical feeding roll to increase pressure, setting the bearing boxin the front of reduction box to improve the suffering condition.7. The thesis process some innovation in the designing of the new concept press instructure oftyre capsule vulcanizing machine. The innovation adopts screw framework. Its track is vertical andreciprocate. The press instructure combines with sensor. So the structure has many advantageswhich are stability and precision of the equipment. The designing embodiment the innovational andoptimizing thinking.8. ANSYS is used in accessorial design. The design combined theoretic deduceand ANSYS analysis,which improves the reliability of structure design.9. This design successfully combines the traditional design with the threedimensional simulation design and process dynamic simulation design method,whichdeduces design cycle, reduces cost. The ynchronization modern design idea of hedesign and the manufacture has fully manifested.

【关键词】 两工位轮胎胶囊设计三维模拟
【Key words】 two-locationtpre capsuledesignthree dimensional simulation
  • 【分类号】TQ330.47
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】84