

The Apparel Presentations of Online Apparel Sale

【作者】 潘丽

【导师】 张海泉;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 纺织工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在网络环境下销售服装,首先要做的就是把服装以图片的形式展示在网页上。图片携带着主要的服装信息,消费者在线购买服装时主要是通过服装图片了解服装的,通过对图片的观察,结合自己的知觉,对服装的属性特征进行理解和判断,最终形成对服装的整体认识。如果服装的相关图片不能准确地反映服装,缺乏真实性,消费者就会产生对网络服装的认识误差。本课题主要是通过相关学科基础知识的系统地研究,借助照片的真实性,完整和丰富服装图像的内容,从而减少网络消费者对服装的认识误差,使网络购买服装变得更完美。课题的研究主要包括四个部分。首先,研究了网络销售中服装图像的本质及其作用。具体包括三个方面,从服装营销学分析网络销售和传统销售的区别;从营销心理学研究网络消费者的购衣过程;从认知心理学研究网络消费者对服装图像的认识过程。得出:提高网络环境下对服装图像的认识,应该从第二信号系统和心理认知系统入手。在第二信号系统中,应充分发挥语言、文字和符号的信息传递作用,应突出图像信息的真实性;在心理认知系统中,应提供着装知识、网络购买服装的经验,完善消费者网上购买服装的心理认知系统。其次,分析了服装销售网中服装展示的现状。一方面,通过对服装销售网中的服装图像的研究,了解了展示图的种类;另一方面通过服装销售网站中服装展示的统计分析和典型分析,了解到了国内外服装展示的整体情况,得出网络服装展示应该重视辅助展示图的作用。再次是服装主体展示图的试验研究。针对网络销售服装的需要,从着装条件、摄影条件、图像处理三个方面研究了主体展示图的影响因素和规律。得出:从着装条件看,真人展示方式优于人台和人体模型展示方式。采用鼻子以下的图像相对较好,姿势随意一些更好;从摄影条件看,影像品质和尺寸要求较低。小角度侧顺光相对较好;从影像处理看,图幅及长宽比与影像视觉效果有关。影像颜色的处理对影像效果影响很大。最后是面料辅助展示图的试验研究。针对面料图片的真实性,研究不同外观特征的面料的服装展示的一般规律。通过试验探讨了面料的织物结构参数、图像真实性、图像放大系数之间的关系。随着服装网络销售的日益普及,普通的网络服装销售者和网络服装消费者应该充分重视服装图像的作用,提高图片的真实性,不断完善消费者的认识,从而不断地提高网络销售的业绩。

【Abstract】 When sells the apparels under the network environment, the first thing that must do is to demonstrate the apparels by images on the web. The images have the main information of apparels. The consumers understand apparels by means of apparel images, when they buy apparels online. Through the observation to the images, they use their own consciousnesses to understand and judge the characteristics of the apparels, and finally form the whole cognitions. If the images cannot reflect the apparels accurately, and lack the authenticities, the consumers could have the cognitive errors of the online apparels. Through systematical study of the foundational knowledge of the relative disciplines, with the aid of picture authenticities, the research mainly aims to make the images complete and rich, reduce the cognitive errors of e-consumers, and make online buying more perfect. The research mainly includes four parts.Firstly, has studied the essences and functions of the apparel images in the online sale. Mainly includes three aspects, has analyzed the differences of the online sale and the traditional sale by Clothing Marketing, has studied the process by Psychology of Marketing that online consumers buy apparels online, and has studied the cognitive process of the online apparel images of online consumers by Cognitive Psychology. Concluded that, to enhance the cognitions of the online apparel images, should concentrate on the two aspects: the second signal system and the psychological cognitive system. In second signal system, the authenticities of the image information should be highlight, and during using images, may use characters and symbols to explain the characteristics of apparels, and fully display the information transmission functions of the characters and symbols; In the psychological cognitive system, the web should provide the knowledge of wearing and the experience of purchasing apparels online to improve the psychological cognitive system of purchasing apparels online.Secondly, has analyzed the present situation of the apparel presentations on the apparel-shopping sites. On the one hand, through the research of the apparel images on the apparel-selling sites, knew the kinds of presentation images. On the other hand, through the statistic analysis and typical analysis of the apparel presentations on the apparel-shopping sites, knew the overall situation of the apparel presentation on the domestic and foreign sites, and concluded that the applications of the supplementary presentations images should be considered.Thirdly, has studied the main body presentation images of apparels by experiments. In view of the needs of the online-selling apparels, has studied the influential factors and rules of the main body presentation images through three aspects, the apparel conditions, the photographic conditions and the image processing. Concluded that, from the apparel conditions, the demonstration way of models is better than that of dresses forms and mannequins, the images in which the models are showed below the noses are much better, and the postures that are optional are better. From the photographic conditions, the requests of image quality and image size are lower, and the light with small angle is much better. From the image processing, the visional effects are relative to the proportion of length and breadth and the area of the images, and the color processing has more influences on the visional effects.Finally, has studied the supplementary presentation images of the fabrics by experiments. In view of the authenticity of the fabric images, studied the general rules of apparel presentation of different appearances. Studied the relationships among the image authenticity, the fabric parameter, and the amplificatory coefficient by experiments.Along with the daily popularization of the online apparel sale, the ordinary online apparel distributors and the network clothing consumers should take the functions of the apparel images into account, and enhance the authenticity of the images, to make the consumer’s cognitions unceasingly, and increase the achievements of online sale unceasingly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】F274;TS942.8
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】720
  • 攻读期成果