

Lower Layer Water Shut-off Technology for Layer System Adjustment

【作者】 潘卫国

【导师】 王金东; 裴晓含;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 机械工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 聚合物驱油技术是大庆油田高含水后期可持续发展的重要技术措施,已成为大庆油田进一步提高原油采收率的有效手段。随着一类油层驱替结束,驱替对象已转向二、三类油层,因此大批注采井需要进行上返封堵。聚合物驱层系调整上返封堵工艺是聚合物驱油配套技术之一,就是将下部已经驱替完毕的层位进行封堵,转而对上部层位进行开采。大庆油田自开发以来在机械堵水方面技术逐渐发展完善,到目前为止已经形成四大类36种堵水管柱,基本满足了大庆常规油田堵水的需要,但从堵水管柱的特点、性能指标以及应用情况等方面来看,只有可钻式封隔器堵水管柱可以满足聚合物驱油层系调整上返封堵管柱承压高、寿命长(一般为5~6年)的特殊要求,但在现场应用中单井工具和施工费用较高,限制了推广应用规模,以及受施工单位施工条件和设备的影响,个别井存在着钻铣周期长、费用高的问题。本课题在分析了国内外卡瓦封隔器管柱的性能及应用情况的基础上,针对聚合物驱层系调整封堵的特殊要求,本着从生产实际出发,为油田提供了一项性能可靠、寿命长、成本低、工艺简单的聚合物驱层系调整上返封堵工艺技术的原则,研究了上返封堵工艺管柱及配套工具的结构和原理,提出了以Y443-108可钻桥塞为主要封堵工具的层系调整上返封堵工艺管柱,并完成了封堵用井下可钻桥塞及配套工具的设计。同时开展了Y443-108可钻桥塞卡瓦受力分析以及冲击载荷对可钻桥塞动力学特征影响的研究,提出了可钻桥塞核心元件“胶筒、卡瓦”的设计方法,并通过Y443-108可钻桥塞室内实验以及上返封堵工艺管柱现场应用情况的分析,验证设计方法的正确性。该课题研究了Y443系列可钻桥塞(封隔器)的一般设计原理和计算方法,对于油田勘探、开发用锚定类工艺管柱的设计具有一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Polymer flooding technology is an important technology for sustainable development in the late high water cut period of the Daqing Oilfield, which is an effective measure to improve oil recovery further for Daqing Oilfield. With the end of good layers flooding, the flooding objectives are shifted to thin and poor layers; therefore, lower layer water shut off technology is needed for a large number of injection wells and oil layers. The technology is one of the associated technologies for polymer plooding, which is shutting off the lower flooded layers and then, producing the upper oil layers.Mechanical water shut-off technologies have been gradually improved since the development of the Daqing Oilfield.Till now, four catageries with 36 types of water shut-off strings have been formed, which meets the requirements of conventional water shut-off in the Daqing Oilfield. However, only the water shut-off string with drillable packers can meet the special requirements of hig working pressure and long service life(5~6 years in general) from the perspective of the characteristics of the water shut-off strings, performance indices and application. Tool cost and operation cost per well are still high in the field application, which limit the application scale. Meanwhile, milling period for some well is long and milling cost is high due to the effect of construction condition and equipment.Based on analyzing the performance, production and application of slip packer in and out of China, lower layer wate shut-off strings with reliable performance, long service life, low cost and simple technical process have been designed for special requirements of water shut-off in polymer flooding wells. Both the structure and principle of the string and associated tools are studied.Y443-108 drillable bridge plug, which is the main water shut-off tool, is put forward, in addition, down hole drillable bridge plug and associated tools have been designed. Meanwhile, the force analysis of Y443-108 drillable packer and the effect study of impact load to kinetic characters have been done. The design method of packing element and slips which are the key units for the drillable bridge plug has been done. By comparing the stress analysis of laboratory experiments, theoretical analysis and field application of the lower water shut-off strings, the validity of the design theory is conformed further.The design principle and calculation procedure for a series of Y443 drillable bridge plugs (packers) are sumed up in this thesis, which is helpful for string design on oilfield development, production and anchorage.

  • 【分类号】TE358.3
  • 【下载频次】179