

Study on Oil/Water Separation for Produced Liquid and Oily Water of Polymer Flooding

【作者】 张春刚

【导师】 宁英男; 张宝良;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 化学工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目前许多大油田均已处于开发晚期,聚合物驱油技术在油田得到广泛应用,使油田采出液的成分日趋复杂,破乳脱水更加困难,而且脱出水的水质差、含油量高。针对影响乳状液稳定性的各种因素,研究聚合物驱采出液和含油污水油水分离技术对于指导油田生产意义重大。随着聚合物驱的实施,大庆油田油井采出液和含油污水油水乳状液的稳定性显著增强,使得油田已建采出液和含油污水处理设施的处理能力显著下降,部分含油污水处理站由于处理能力达不到要求而造成处理后水质严重超标。为解决大庆油田聚合物驱采出液和含油污水的油水分离问题,本文以取自现场的实际聚合物驱采出液和含油污水为介质,研究了聚合物驱采出液和含油污水的油水分离特性以及含油污水中O/W型原油乳状液的稳定机理。根据聚合物驱采出液的油水分离特性和破乳剂在其中的传质过程,提出了以油水分离剂替代破乳剂和絮凝剂,一并解决聚合物驱采出液和含油污水油水分离问题的思路,研制了两个分别适用于含油污水气浮除油和沉降除油工艺的油水分离剂,在现场试验中解决了一座联合站游离水脱除器放水和处理后污水含油量长期超标的问题。

【Abstract】 Now many big oil fields have been in the development later period, the polymer floodingtechnology has been used widely to the oil field. Causes the ingredient of the oil field produced fluidcomplex. Gradually, demulsification and dehydration more difficult, the water quality of dehydration isnot good, oil cut is high. In view of the factors of influence emulsion stability, study the oil/waterseparation technology for produced liquid and oily water of polymer flooding is important to direct oilfield production, because the employment of polymer flooding, the stability for produced liquid and oilywater emulsion of the Daqing oil field well remarkable enhance, cause the oil field constructed treatmentfacility ability which handle produced liquid and oily water remarkable drop. The part oily water disposalstation because the handling ability insufficiently lead to the water quality seriously to exceed theallowed figure after witch is disposed. In order to solve the water-oil separation problem of Daqing oilfield polymer flooding produced liquid and oily water. This article take the actual produced liquid andoily water of polymer flooding which take from the scene as the medium. Studied the water-oilseparation characteristic of the produced liquid and oily water of polymer flooding and the stablemechanism of O/W crude oil emulsion. According to the water-oil separation characteristic of thepolymer flooding produced liquid and the transmission medium process of demulsifier in which,proposed an idea of using oil/water separation agent demulsifier and flocculant to solve water-oilseparation problem of the polymer flooding produced liquid and oily water, developed two oil/waterseparation agent which is separately suitable to the progress of the float eliminate oil and the subsidenceeliminate oil, solved the problem of the free water knockout turn on the water and oil content seriously toexceed the allowed figure for a long time after witch is disposed.

  • 【分类号】X741
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】722