

Technology Research for Improving Drilling Speed in Haila’er Oil Field

【作者】 陈嘉玉

【导师】 闫铁; 张书瑞;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 石油与天然气工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 海拉尔盆地是大庆油田公司重要的油气资源勘探区块,因此,深入研究开展加快海拉尔探区的钻井速度研究,不仅能进一步加深钻井技术理论的研究,而且对加快海拉尔探区的勘探开发步伐具有十分重要的意义。本文合理选择了三种压力计算方法,构建了海拉尔盆地的压力剖面,这样为钻井液密度设计及制定工程措施提供了依据。通过改变钻头和套管尺寸,优化了井身结构,避免了伊敏组以上井段井漏、井塌、卡钻等井下复杂。优化了钟摆钻具和满眼钻具组合,应用螺杆钻具降斜技术及导向钻井技术,有效的控制了井身质量,实现了防斜打快。同时又对钻井液体系、取心工艺、钻具失效预防、固井等方面进行了开创性工作,初步形成了一整套适合大庆海拉尔地区地层特点的优质快速钻井技术。

【Abstract】 Haila’er basin is important oil & gas resource exploration square of Daqing oil field. It is necessary to explore how to improve drilling speed in Haila’er area, it can promote to research drilling engineering theory further, and it has great significance for accelerating exploration & production step in Haila’er area.From this article, we selected 3 reasonable computing methods to conceive the pressure section plane of haila’er basin; it provides important theory regulation for how to design density of drilling mud and how to make project measure. By changing the size of drilling bit and casing we can optimize the hole structure, avoid the complicated incidents like circulation loss, rockfall and bit freezing in Yimin, optimize pendulum drill assembly and packed hole assembly. Applying the drilling tool angle dropping technology and navigation drilling technology, borehole quality can be improved effectively, prevent borehole deviation, improve drilling speed. At the same time, we do reactionary work to meliorate drilling mud, coring tool, cementing and to prevent drilling tools accident. It has been come into being an important technology which is suitable for improving drilling speed in Haila’er oil field.

  • 【分类号】TE242
  • 【被引频次】4
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