

Study on the Fertilization of Eucalyptus Special Fertilizer Organic-manure of HA

【作者】 李宝福

【导师】 俞元春; 张顺恒;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 土壤学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 施肥是培育桉树速丰林不可缺少的技术措施,为解决桉树速生与消耗地力间的矛盾,利用禽畜排泄物为主要有机物料(还有少量的饼粕、泥炭土等),采用生物合成转化技术生产小分子态腐植酸,在此基础上,根据桉树不同生育阶段所需的功能性肥料类型,配以相应适量的复合微生物菌剂、N、P、K及中微量化肥,调配并生产出桉树腐植酸系列专用肥(基肥专用和追肥专用2类)。采用随机区组设计,以等价投入的常规化肥为对照,开展专用肥多点施肥试验研究,通过专用肥对林木生长生物量、土壤肥力、若干生理生化指标、林木营养、林木抗性等方面的效应与机理的分析,结果表明:所研发的桉树腐植酸专用肥的配方是可行的,专用肥不论是在林木促生效益和提高抗性上,还是在改良土壤、培肥地力、改善林木营养结构以及肥效的持续性、稳定性和适应性等诸多方面,均比常规化肥有明显的优势,具体是:(1)与等价投入(肥料成本)的常规化肥相比,施用系列专用肥的林分生长量均显著或极显著地高于常规化肥处理,施后19个月内,树高、胸径分别提高了7.8%~51.8%和9.8%~53.0%,生物生产力提高了30.2%~81.1%;(2)提高桉树的抗寒性,减轻冻害程度,与常规化肥相比,林分受冻率、平均冻害级和冻害指数等指标分别下降了28.3%~43.5%、37.75%~50.49%、36.42%~49.71%;(3)提高土壤肥力,改善根际土壤微生物区系的组成和数量。经测定,施用后2年多时间内,土壤有机质、全N、全磷、速效N、有效P、速效K等含量分别比造林前的本底值提高了5.5~5.9%、11.3~13.4%、3.7~5.7%、7.3~12.0%、19.5~26.4%和36.3~42.7%。尤其是土壤速效K和有效P含量得以大幅度增加,土壤酸化趋势得到遏制,pH值提高0.2-0.3单位;同时,根际土壤微生物的组成得到改善,数量得以提高,反映出HA在挖掘土壤潜在生物肥力和抑制氮素的挥发上有较大的优势;(4)施用专用肥能促进林木对营养元素的吸收,提高营养元素利用效率。与常规化肥相比,营养元素的积累速率提高幅度为4.2%~32.2%。营养元素的利用效率提高14%~27%;(5)专用肥能明显提高叶片叶绿素含量,增大叶面积指数,增强树势,利于光合作用,提高产量。经测定,与常规化肥处理相比,施用腐植酸专用肥的林木叶片叶绿素含量提高26.3%~94.2%,叶面积指数提高41.0%~172.8%;(6)在肥效的持续性上,常规化肥的肥效在林木3a生时已基本消失。而腐植酸专用肥的肥效可以持续4-5a,能保持较长时间的养分供应。此外,对专用肥的施用量进行探讨,提出造林当年适宜的专用肥施用量为:基肥用量1000g/株、追肥用量646g/株;对HA桉树专用肥的稳定性和适应性进行分析。综合施用效果的分析与评定,选出基肥专用的优化配方为:有机质≥30.0%、N+P2O5+K2O≥6.0%(2.5-2-1.5)、腐殖酸总量≥8.0%,并加上适量的“绿滴”复合微生物菌剂(于施用时和基肥按每50kg:1kg的量掺入);追肥专用的优化配方为:有机质≥20.0%、N+P2O5+K2O≥20.0%(9-8-3)、腐殖酸总量≥6.0%。造林当年专用肥适宜的施用量为:基肥用量1000g/株、追肥用量646g/株。

【Abstract】 Fertilization is indispensable technique measure which implantation Eucalyptus fast-prolifitcacy stands. In order to solve the problem which between trees fast-growing and soil fertility declination. Make use of livestock for the main organic material(inclusion little amount round flat cake, peat soil...etc.), adopting biologic to synthesize a conversion technique to produce small member HA(humic acid), according to function fertilizer type that the grow stage needs of the Eucalyptus tree’s dissimilarity on this foundation, go together with to correspond just the right amount of of compound microorganism germ, N, P, K and in turn microelement fertilizer, dispense and produce HA series special fertilizer of Eucalyptus(2 types: the special basal fertilizer and the special fertilizer for superaddition fertilizer.Adopt a random rea set a design, with equipollence investment (fertilizer cost) of groovy fertilizer for comparison, carried out multiplace fertilization experiments. Analysis on fertilization effect and mechanism by the special fertilizer towards trees growth, soil fertility, some index signs of biochemical physiological, tree nourishments, resistance.. etc. That results showed, the formulation of special fertilizer is viable, The special fertilizer either in promoting tree growth and resistance or improving the soil fertility, improving structure of the tree nourishment and fertilizer efficiency durative, the adaptability, the stability, etc. various, all turn than the groovy fertilizer have obvious advantage. Concrete are as follows: (1) Compare with equipollence investment (fertilizer cost) of groovy fertilizer, uses series special fertilizer, the growth of stands were remarkably higher than normal fertilize processing, in 19 months, its tree high and DBH was respectively increasing 7.8%~51.8% and 9.8%~53.0%, the biologic productivity raising 30.2%~81.1%; (2)The HA (humic acid)series’ special fertilizer of Eucalyptus can be capable of enhancing the anti-cold of trees, easing frozen damage degree, turning with normal regulation fertilization compare, the percentage of frozen damage, the average frozen damage class and index of frozen damage etc. was respectively descending 28.3%~43.5%, 37.75%~s50.49% and 36.42%~49.71%; (3)The HA special fertilizer of Eucalyptus can be obvious enhance soil fertility, improving rhizosphere soil microorganism flora constituting and amount. Throughing the measurement, after more than 2 years, compareding the this background numerical value of before forestation, the content of soil organic material, whole nitrogen, whole phosphorus, quick effective nitrogen, effective phosphorus and quick effective kalium etc. was respectively to raise 5.5~5.9%, 11.3~13.4%, 3.7~5.7%, 7.3~12.0%, 19.5~26.4% and 36.3~42.7%. Particularly, the content of soil effective phosphorus and quick effective kalium can be significant increment, the direction of soil acidification to be suppressed, the pH raises 0.2-0.3 units; Moreover, the microorganism constituting of rhizosphere soil was improved and the amount of microorganism was increased, reflecting HA to have bigger advantage in excavating potential soil organisms fertility and repressing nitrogen volatilization; (4)Using the HA special fertilizer of Eucalyptus can promote forest absorb nutrient, enhancing utilization efficiency of nourishment. Turn with normal regulations fertilization compare, increasing the accumulation rate of nourishment chemical element is 4.2%~32.2%, and the nourishment chemical element makes use of an efficiency to raise 14%~27%; (5)Using the HA special fertilizer of Eucalyptus can raise chlorophyll content obviously, enlarge a leaf area index, to build up tree vigor, benefiting in photosynthesis, exaltation yield. Turn HA special fertilizer with normal regulations to compare through the measurement, leaves chlorophyll content to raise 26.3%~94.2% , the leaf’s area index raises 41.0%~s172.8%; (6)In fertilizer efficiency durative, the fertilizer efficiency of normal regulations fertilization when the tree 3 years was already basic disappearance. But the fertilizer efficiency of HA special fertilizer can keep on 4-5 years, maintainning a more long-playing nutrient supply. Moreover, studied on the special fertilizer dosage, putting forward afforesting that year feat dosage of the special fertilizer for: the basal fertilizer dosage is 1000 g/tree, superaddition fertilizer dosage is 646 g/tree. Furthermore Analysis the adaptability and stability of the HA special fertilizer.Based on a comprehensive analysis of fertilization efficiency, election the special basal fertilizer formulation of Eucalyptus is: OM≥30.0%, N+P2O5+K2O≥6.0%(2.5-2-1.5), humic acid total amount≥8.0%, and plusing "green drop" compound microbial inoculum (use in with the basal fertilizer to press each 50 kgs: 1 kg); The special fertilizer formulation of superaddition fertilizer is: OM≥20.0%, N+P2O5+K2O≥20.0%(9-8-3), humic acid total amount≥6.0%. The feat dosage of the special fertilizer in afforesting that year for the basal fertilizer dosage is 1000 g/tree, superaddition fertilizer dosage is 646 g/tree.

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