

Research on Musical Style and Performance of Piano Concerto No.2 by Saint-Saens

【作者】 高苗苗

【导师】 郑莹;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 音乐学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以法国作曲家卡米尔·圣桑的《第二钢琴协奏曲》为研究对象,主要从研究该曲的创作风格入手,对该曲的演奏问题进行了多方面的探索。研究表明,《第二钢琴协奏曲》体现了作曲家既继承古典又富于创新的创作思维,并展现了自然朴实纯净的音乐风格,音乐形象鲜明,整个作品充满动力感。笔者以对乐曲的细致分析为依据首先对作品进行演奏技法上的探讨、继而深入研究演奏风格,为这部具有典型代表意义的协奏曲的演绎提供了有效的方法。为了更加深入了解作品的风格特征,笔者还从不同演奏家演绎这一作品时所显现出来的对音乐作品的共性认识和个性化表现这一方面,详细比较分析了不同的录音版本,对我们更深入的研究该曲的音乐风格、演奏风格提供了一定的帮助。全文共由四部分组成。第一部分:论述了圣桑一生的生活道路和四个阶段的创作轨迹,力求凸现生活经历与环境的变迁给他的创作理念,创作风格带来的影响。第二部分:通过对音乐本体的详细分析,力求从中准确把握圣桑《第二钢琴协奏曲》中的创作手法和风格特征。第三部分:结合《第二钢琴协奏曲》的创作风格,进一步研究具体的演奏风格和弹奏要点,力求在演奏中准确地把握风格,尽可能的展现作品原貌。第四部分:从对乐曲不同演奏版本的详细比较,有根据的研究作品的个性化表现,通过对各演奏家的演奏风格,包括演奏家的技术特点、审美倾向、艺术处理的方式的比较,达到指导我们演奏及教学的作用,同时提高艺术鉴赏能力。

【Abstract】 This paper focuses on French composor Camille Saint-Saens’s Piano Concerto No.2,mainly studying the style of this composition and probing into its performance in different aspects. Based on sincere analysis the paper writer firstly discusses the technical performance of this composition, then its style, therefore providing effective techiniques to perform this typical concerto. In order to comprehend its style deeply, the paper writer also analyzes different recorded versions of this concerto performed by different pianists, thus giving some help for us to study both its musical and performance style thoroughly.There are four parts in this paper.The first part discusses Saint-Saens’s life and the four phrases of his musical career to show the influences of his experiences and changes in life on his ideas and style of his career.The second part carefully analyses the concerto in order to grasp its style and characteristics of Saint-Saens’s Piano Concerto No.2.The third part further studys concrete performance style and emphases of this concerto in order to grasp its style in performance and therefore to show the original concerto in great extent.The fourth part studys the individual performances of this concerto through different recorded performance versions, comparing the performance style of different pianists including their technical characteristics, aesthetic value, artistic treatment in order to guide our research, performance and teaching, and to improve our ability in artistic appreciation.

【关键词】 圣桑创作演奏技法风格版本
【Key words】 Camille saint-saenscompositionperformancetechniquestyleedition
  • 【分类号】J624.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】409