

Criticism on Tao Yuanming in the Southern Song Dynasty

【作者】 张树峰

【导师】 王志民;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 作为我国文学史上最伟大的诗人之一,陶渊明的文学成就及历史地位“至宋而极”。宋人不仅发现了陶渊明及其诗文的价值,还从理论研究的角度对之做出解读,使得对陶渊明的批评研究成为古代文学批评史上一个非常独特而又重要的文学现象。继以苏轼为代表的一批文学大家对陶渊明及其诗文进行品评后,南宋文人基于特殊的时代境遇与文化思想背景,从各个角度研陶、评陶,一方面大大提高和丰富了对陶渊明其人其文的认识,使得这种理论批评进一步走向成熟;另一方面,也从根本上确立了陶公人品和文品的经典地位。因此,南宋陶渊明批评在评陶史上的地位和重要性不言而喻。但由于南、北宋在朝代上的延续性,学人习惯上将两宋作为一个整体进行评说,这样固然有利于对这一评陶史上的高潮阶段有相对完整的认识,但也在一定程度上忽视了二者在时代特色及评陶成果、特点上的不同。因此本文立足于南宋这一特定的历史时期,从其特殊的时代背景和文化环境出发,去探究和索解陶渊明及其诗文在这个时期被做出怎样的解读,同时努力去发掘这种阐释背后的特殊意义以及它与南宋的时代精神、诗学精神的共通之处。总起来说,本文主要分三个部分对这些问题进行探讨:首先,是对南宋前陶渊明批评研究的状况进行简单的梳理和回溯。陶渊明及其诗文由晦到显,并不是一蹴而就,而是经历了一个漫长的历史过程。从南北朝的颜延之到北宋的苏黄,这其间不断的渐进和累积,虽然难免有粗漏和有失偏颇之处,但最终奠定了陶学发展的基础,为南宋崇陶、论陶的高潮做好了资料上和理论上的双重准备。其次,是对南宋陶渊明批评的内容及美学评价的具体阐释。这一部分也是文章的重心,分别从三个方面对南宋评陶的内容进行展现:一是南宋文人对陶渊明其人的批评研究,主要从其对陶公隐逸行为的评判、哲学思想归属的论争及襟怀性情的全面开掘等方面进行论述,力求全面地再现南宋士人对陶渊明人格精神的认识与评价。二是南宋文人对陶渊明诗文的批评研究,从其对陶集版本的考订和集注,对陶作艺术表现的深入透析,到确立陶诗的经典地位,这其间既有深刻而理性的认识,又有理学思潮影响下不合情理的拔高,是南宋评陶特点之一,也是其有争议之处。三是对南宋陶渊明批评的主要研究方法及和陶、拟陶风潮的总结评述。最后,对南宋陶渊明批评兴盛的原因及特征进行了一定的探讨。就原因而言,主要从南宋这一历史时期的社会思想及文学的发展状况来寻求根源,挖掘出潜藏在背后的一系列历史的、社会的、文化思想的以及文学本身的因素。同时,对其所表现出的外在特征进行概括总结。

【Abstract】 Being one of the greatest poets in the literature history of China, Tao Yuanming’s literary success as well as his historical position had reached the peak in the Song Dynasty. People in the Song Dynasty not only discovered the value of Tao Yuanming and his poems, but also read him from the theoretical research angle, and this has made the criticism & research on Tao Yuanming a very special and important literary phenomenon in the ancient literature criticism history. Followed the criticism on Tao and his poems by some great litterateurs such as Su Shi, and based on special conditions and cultural background of that age, literators of the Southern Song Dynasty studied and commented on Tao from all angles. On one hand, this greatly improved and enriched the understanding of Tao and his poems and made the criticism further mature; on the other hand, this also radically established the classic position of Tao’s moral & literary qualities. Therefore, the position and importance of criticism on Tao Yuanming in the Southern Song Dynasty goes without saying in the history of Tao criticism.However, due to the historical succession from the Northern Song to the Southern Song, the scholars often do the comment through integrating the both dynasties, this, to be sure, is of great advantage to have a integral knowledge in such a climax period of the Tao criticism history, but it also neglected the differences of time, criticism achievements, and characters between the both dynasties. So in this article we stand in the special times of the Southern Song and research into how Tao and his poems were understood in such special conditions and cultural environment of that age, and we are dedicated in discovering the special significance of this understanding involved and the common places between him and the times spirit and poem spirit. In a word, we mainly make a study of those questions with three parts in the article.Firstly, we briefly trace the criticism and research conditions about Tao before the Southern Song Dynasty. The obscurity to simplicity about Tao’s poems was not accomplished in an action but a long history. It had been improved and accumulatedfrom Nanchao and Beichao by Yan Yanzhi to the Northern Song Dynasty by Su Shi and Huang Tingjian, although it was so hard to avoid some neglected places and the partiality, it finally established the base of Tao study development and arranged both material and theory for the climax admiration and commitment on Tao in the Southern Song Dynasty.Secondly, we concretely interpret the criticism contents and aesthetic evaluations on Tao in the Southern Song Dynasty. As the center of the whole article, this part respectively reveals the contents on Tao criticism in the Southern Song Dynasty at three aspects,(1) Criticism and research on Tao by literators in the Southern Song Dynasty: we mainly discuss the judgment of Tao’s privacy, the argument of his philosophy, and the full excavation of his bosom and characters etc., and strive for reproducing the understanding and evaluation on Tao’s personality by the scholars then.(2) Criticism and research on Tao’s poems by literators in the Southern Song Dynasty: from their textual research and variorum into Tao Anthology, the deep analysis of the Tao poem’s artistic expression, and the establishment of classic position of Tao’s Poems, we find there was not only deep and rational knowledge but also the exaggeration under the idealist philosophy thoughts, and this marked the Tao Criticism then as a dispute.(3) We do a summing-up comment on the main study methods for Tao criticism in the Southern Song Dynasty and the Tao and Tao Imitation Wave.Lastly, we do a certain discussion on the reasons and characters for prosperous criticism on Tao during the Southern Song Dynasty. For the reasons, we mainly seek them from the social thoughts and literature development status in that period and excavate a series of historical, social and cultural elements in hiding as well as the literature itself. At the same time, we generalize and summarize the external characters it had shown.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】628